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Now I'm over there (Draenor Alliance) so now is the time to come, people!
Med'an said:
Why dont all of you roll 39

Some of us played 39 before, some longer than other, until we realised that ALL of the peripheral players were lost in the XP-lock.

49 offered, except new abilities that are groundbreaking for some classes (SS/DW for Shamans, Ice Barrier for Mages etc), a new, larger bulk of core-players as well as additional peripheral players to get the BGs to pop on schedule.
Med'an said:
Why dont all of you roll 39

I think its mostly the new and more abilities. (taking distance to 19 twinking). Epic mounts. Dualspec. 59 could probaly be fun too - but I dont know a single 59 twink..

burst is fun to a degree, but will be ok when all got 375 minning and probaly 375 herbing.

Most classes get their most used/important ability (huge dps increase in most cases) "31-talent.

and the 41 talent point, are in many casses, more the out-weighting balancing talent for 31 talent - that we dont got :/.

(except for rogues)

but example a warrior. 31 point in arms and fury are, mortal strike and bloodthirst - whereas their 41 point just are a dps buff. rampage and endless rage.

For a shaman that got so much burst at that level, s 41 talent are shamanistic rage - defensive move instead.

I guess its just hard to find or expect 100% balance in any bracket except the end lvl that only get looked into.
Andraklas7 said:
I think its mostly the new and more abilities. (taking distance to 19 twinking). Epic mounts. Dualspec. 59 could probaly be fun too - but I dont know a single 59 twink..

burst is fun to a degree, but will be ok when all got 375 minning and probaly 375 herbing.

Most classes get their most used/important ability (huge dps increase in most cases) "31-talent.

and the 41 talent point, are in many casses, more the out-weighting balancing talent for 31 talent - that we dont got :/.

(except for rogues)

but example a warrior. 31 point in arms and fury are, mortal strike and bloodthirst - whereas their 41 point just are a dps buff. rampage and endless rage.

For a shaman that got so much burst at that level, s 41 talent are shamanistic rage - defensive move instead.

I guess its just hard to find or expect 100% balance in any bracket except the end lvl that only get looked into.

39 is really balanced. Its like the most balanced bracket in the game, beating 80!

I didd some (extremely litle) pvp in 49 a year back, had pretty much perfect gear and enchants (diddnt have tidal and at the time thought bloodrazor was better then trash blade) but I went 39 cus 49 was to bursty.

I was a rogue though, maby other classes are different.

I see why many might love getn new abilitys, but even though bladestorm at 49 would be cool to have for a warrior, it would get boring when the bracket isnt balanced.

ROLL 39!:) Watch some 39 movies, Jenif's vid and boostz's vids and youll fall in love with it. Again, I dont know enugh about the 49 arenas, but at 39 nearly all comps are viable and you lose a match cus opponent is better, not cus they got a OP settup.

/QQ :p Jenif Boostz Cool Boostz trailer
yea i bet playing with out MS or bloodthirst is fun, /yawn
Med'an, thanks for faithfully overlooking my short, yet precise post. Maybe I need to elaborate and make the post longer for you to notice it.

I've played in the 39-bracket a few months during 2009, the period just before, and in the aftermath of, the XP-lock. On top of that, another couple of months in 2008.

I'll list a few reasons as to why I, and probably a fair few others, am not rolling 39.

I'd like to place a disclaimer here, the usage of the word "we" and "us" implies my opinion and no one else's.

One: we're already at 49. We have a growing community, we get BGs, we have friends incoming, additional peripheral players that will integrate into the community. It's working, and at least I am happy with the situation as it is right now, I believe there is a fair few others agreeing on this point.

Two: Andrakla presents a perfect point, as did I in my last post, with the abilities. The bracket might be bursty, but the squishy classes are getting vital points to be able to survive, outlast, compete and deal some bad-ass damage. It's balanced, but more dependant on ultimate defense to survive and ultimate offense to kill. 39 does seem more balanced due to that the nature of the fights lies outside of the burst and more within outlasting, even as a Rogue.

Three: it means a month or so waiting for all the people that might consider changing brackets to level up. People will quit playing, people will lose touch with the existing community and hence lose a lot of the sentimentality that keep a lot of people playing. The perfect 49-twinks are now useless - countless hours of work left without any reward.

Four: a lot of us left the very same bracket that you're trying to promote in order to play in this bracket. One reason might be that the attitude within the existing core on both sides is mutual towards the bracket, we all share the common goal of creating a bracket with regular BGs. It's worked out so far, and we're still progressing.

Five: 39 Arena isn't as balanced as you might think it to be. In 2v2, there's a fair few teams competing up there with actual linear fights, and these comps will in the end have a much higher chance of winning the arenas. A few, and notice that I say a few, of these comps would be a Mage/Priest, Rogue/Priest or Warlock/Paladin in 2v2, or a Rogue/Mage/Priest-team in 3v3.

Six: I'd rather watch my own fraps-clips that has the actual feel in them, that might make me come back. Not some PvP-movie made by someone other than me.

Seven: why even bring Bladestorm as an argument? Warriors get Bloodthirst and Mortal Strike in Fury and Arms respectively, something needed to make them viable. Other than that, I have seen only a very small amount of excelling Warriors, and the one I got to play with the most, and whom I (and probably the rest of the MYL-guild) found extremely skilled, was Protection. Now, Warriors are given full utility with their key-ability, Mortal Strike.

Eight: people playing in the 49-bracket right now don't seem to be caring about the apparently evident imbalance (a few people are excluded; I guess you know who you are, no offense meant - though people can justify either cause) that much. It works.

Some of the points might be repetative, but it's only to show that this community and the bracket is growing and to attempt to change a dynamic within a system with, in my eyes, seem to be working.
think you took my post litle to serius.

What Iv heard was that 49 wasnt as cool as 49 (more or less), but I said I diddnt know for sure and that I only played litle over a year ago.

And the part about "check out 39" wasnt really to you, I know you played it.

49 semes more fun then I though, maby Ill check it out:)

Still wish every 49'er roll 39, but hey, Its not like I believe its gonna happen:p

You said you had some vids of 39, do you have or know anyone that has any pvp vids of 49? would be awesome

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