EU Blackout - What you need to know.

Which days are best for you? Weekdays are 19:30 start, Weekends 18:30 Server Time

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Tried a bunch of times, but RNGgaming's website isn't sending me the registration email.

Username's Oriu.
I checked it out, and it should work now. Do you run firefox + noscript ? If you do then you wouldn't have been able to fill in the text box unless you ''allowed'' the site, maybe that is what caused it.
Still no luck. Had no problem making the account, as it won't let me just try again with the same username, it just isn't sending any emails to let me activate it.
Whee, had some WSG last night - Some alliance emologged however we persevered and managed to get 3/4 Games - thanks to horde for waiting, some of you logging alliance twinks and especially ones who sat out to even out the numbers. I'll be away for about a week now, going to France, but queues will remain Wednesday, Friday and Sunday at 19:30 Server Time. Hi to anyone interested in coming to Blackout and have fun to everyone already here.
Hurpdurp said:
Edit (10/04/10): Over Easter alliance activity has dropped somewhat and we're once more looking for ACTIVE players who turn up on non-scheduled nights to take part in arena. We're planning on forming a new alliance guild soon (<RNG Gaming> will remain still) for dedicated people. Rules will be stricter and members will be expected to take part in arena, be active on IRC and also on voice communication, most likely Skype. So yeah, 49 is going through a slow patch atm following Easter but hopefully this will pick up soon.

Small update.
Like resisted said, also known as affect - GM of AG Fusion - the best 49 eu twink guild:

"The problem is, there just isn't any good alliance leaders."

I wish alliance the best of luck but until someone can step up to the plate, I can see some empty chairs where some 49 twinks once sat....
I would mate, I'd take it all off you tomorrow, but you've caused too much damage. Perhaps we could turn it around, but i'd rather invest that energy in 39 myself.

What say you?
I would mate, I'd take it all off you tomorrow, but you've caused too much damage. Perhaps we could turn it around, but i'd rather invest that energy in 39 myself.

What say you?

You're lucky I'm not an environmentalist, all that energy going to waste.
You're lucky human rights don't exist in Wow. You and Kutty would be serving 10 years in penitentiary right now.

Energy can never be created or destroyed. But it certainly can be stored:
Nice dodge on taking over the guild m8

"oh, crap...i mean i would...but i have lil balls...and on second though, you ruined it too much!!11"
Seffy said:
Like resisted said, also known as affect - GM of AG Fusion - the best 49 eu twink guild:

"The problem is, there just isn't any good alliance leaders."


You've taken that out of context man, cmon dont act like that towards me, if you want to squabble with people go do it on msn or something :/

I might aswell add something positive to this post - 49 already has a decent horde side with AGF, ET supply the numbers as they are a casual guild, as soon as alliance and the group of guys that are trying to get things working over there, and if they put the effort in they wil get things workingl, then 49 will be fine again, just like it was a month ago :) We had one night 3 ABs and 3 WSG's back to back, and nothings changed to stop that from happening again, nothing major anyway :) And when it comes to opinions that I care about, all my guys prefer 49 to 39 for a few fairly solid reasons, 39 is very balanced, and its fun, but at 49 classes come into shape, you can do more with more classes because of this, its the variety and possibilities that we all like, the let down of 39 is how weak warriors were and hpals compared to other classes, at 49 theyre all fairly balanced, well, shamans are annoying, but nothings perfect :)

Please, Seffe, dont reply to my post with your own opinion towards 49, thats a guilds opinion above and we have a very good basis to make opinions seeing as weve done around 500-1k arenas together :p
Oh Res, stop being so pedantic. Don't make me post screen shots. You know I'm damn well right in what I'm saying about alliance having no good guild leaders, and this according to you - and I *somewhat* agree - lead to the death of 39. Don't go back on your own words, have the balls to stand by your convictions. That's the problem with this bracket, everyones so politically correct that no one will step up and grab the bull by the horns. I'll give Kutty his due there, he was passionate and strong for what he believed in, and he did encourage the scrubs to log for arena.

What's happened is, is that there are very few hardcore arena alliance players and certainly no good GM's to rally the troops - people won't step into arena with AGF commanding the scene. It's no fun getting repeatedly rolled. The social aspects die down as people don't log when WSG is not on, people get bored, consider 19, end game, whatever. That's what's precisely happening here. I've been collating some data with respect to how many people are logged on alliance side. Let's just say there is a negative correlation between amount of players, and time.

This brackets gone full circle now, it would take an absolutely major breakthrough to turn things round, and with Kutty gone - regardless of his faults, no one else has that vision. There's no reason 49 can't just go through the motions, but that chance it had of getting daily WSG up, and 3 hours of arena a night is long gone. I personally don't have a problem with the bracket, I'm just in slight dismay that it's the same old story.

Well played Prot Warriors were absolutely vicious in 39, and perhaps not all the classes have enough key abilities, regardless of the new abilities introduced the burst in 49 is far too high. It is not controllable in most cases.

Stand by your convictions Res, that would be my advice to you. You don't need to defend yourself, your productions are testament to your excellence. It's up to others to follow suit.
Where Seffy goes, bullshitting will follow. Nice one for removing my post warning him to back off. I like that you won't remove any of his troll posts yet you remove mine ? GG nice once.

You twinks are so full of shit.
it would take an absolutely major breakthrough to turn things round

we got games again

no one else has that vision

pretty sure there is someone, Kutty didnt build it all by himselfe

Where Seffy goes, bullshitting will follow

^Agree on that^

You twinks are so full of shit.

Sound like you "stopped" being a twink when you say that, are you? (oh and Seffys posts got edited for trolling, feeling better?)
I agree, I didn't build 39 or 49 by myself. I did however do a shitload for both brackets, and nobody can ever deny that.

At the moment I am playing 80 arena, pretty hardcore. I have stopped playing twinks for the time being, and I am seriously enjoying my 80. If any of you need a boost in Cyclone or Vindication or Blackout on your mains, hit me up and I can sort you out with a shiny new weapon :p

To be honest, you should thank Nux for 49, he was the one that made me promise to play it with him, and therefore I brought most of my old friends and foes alike to 49. If it wasn't for him asking me to come and lend a hand I am not sure where 49 would be today. But one thing I am sure of is that the time I have spent in RNG has been nothing but great :) Thanks to all of you guys for all you have done for 49 :)

I will return... ;)

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