EU Alliance and the numbers of undergeared twinks


The last weeks have been a pain for everyone who love the bracket and want to have good and close bgs.

Nearly 50 % of the ppl on alliance side are nontwinks. I dont even talk about the f2p twinks. I dont like them but most of them try to get the best gear they can achieve. But the rest is just unbelievable.

I could deal with a few if i see that they get better gear the next days but no. They always stay on the same shit gear lvl without enchants etc. And never want to here tips or advices.

This should be a constructive thread. How we can improve the situation? I see many good twinks quiting the bracket, we should try to stop this trend and do something against it.
Kekks said:
The last weeks have been a pain for everyone who love the bracket and want to have good and close bgs.

Nearly 50 % of the ppl on alliance side are nontwinks. I dont even talk about the f2p twinks. I dont like them but most of them try to get the best gear they can achieve. But the rest is just unbelievable.

I could deal with a few if i see that they get better gear the next days but no. They always stay on the same shit gear lvl without enchants etc. And never want to here tips or advices.

This should be a constructive thread. How we can improve the situation? I see many good twinks quiting the bracket, we should try to stop this trend and do something against it.
i am alliance but i have twinks on horde side too and trust me its not just an alliance problem.
droodelf said:
i am alliance but i have twinks on horde side too and trust me its not just an alliance problem.

Yeah, this is true, Horde got problems with this too. Though I think Alliance got the worst geared and the best geared, while Horde has more of a steady line with "okey geared" people.
a bigger problem is that most horde teams just farms alliance graveyard in every game they can (rr, efc, some ppl in blnt) while i very rarely see alliance farm

@OP, who are u?
I've noticed this too, and I agree that horde seems to have 'more of a steady line with "okey geared" people'. I think this comes and goes though, not too long ago it was the other way around.
This sure is a pain in the ass, and rly, the gy farming don't help a bit, mostly just get the gerad ppl to afk...
I think this comes and goes though, not too long ago it was the other way around.

it was like 2 months ago, when the situation of ally-horde imbalance was really grave.

I see no future for EU's 19s bracket, if people keep turning into brainless midfield / gy farming zombies infected by the op-class-burst-virus, rogues and hunter keep stacking up on numbers and the bracket getting overflowed with nongeared,badgeared and people who dont know (anymore) how to play wsg and what a flag even is.

The problem is, I don't have a solution and the trend keeps on ...
Noble said:
French people are almost fully geared ^___^

Some mistakes are still standing ... :p


50% of French premades farm english speaking realm pugs.

Still loling over isa rage quitting vs a 5 man atoma premade.

You been banned yet noble?
I haven't seen Isa on his Paladin and farming in a while.

I'm also presuming Isael = Isa.

Maybe he's tired of not getting any recognition for actually being a rather good Paladin/Shaman.

But yes, the majority of all Culte de la Rive noire premades always try to GY farm.

Horde now has 4 Guilds capable of 5+ premading, Band of Brothers, Better Luck Next Time, Atoma and even EFC. There's also a few smaller guilds that queue grouped such as Russian Roulette.

Alliance has one guild capable of this, Dreamworks. Alliance has considerably less geared active players across different realms.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not moaning about Horde 5man groups, I have no problem with guilds wanting practice before 4.3 hits and when Cross Server Groups can queue for BGs. Just you need to realise when Alliance PuGs can't even get their FC across mid that you maybe need to take a break and stop queueing as 5 for a little while.

Y'know, otherwise games end early on the night, and no one really has fun. 3-0ing PuGs isn't fun/worth the time anyway.

When retards see Guilds instantly 3capping pugs, they swarm to Alliance graveyard, meaning that people can't actually even play the game/have fun/derp along and embarrass premades.

I hope you've enjoyed this snippet of myself, I shall now return to being a fhayry.

best paladin ww eu us out~xx
Iv been trying to think of ways to solve this cause it really is a major issue, apart from putting the decent alliance players at a major disadvantage, it renders games unfun for those of us in the horde who can actually see past mid and play the game.

The trouble with revival threads and "start-afresh" things is that everyone gets hyped for perhaps a week or 2 and then, as with everything, it dies down with maybe one or two players left who will eventually quit out of boredom from solo queuing. Also, asking people to uproot and move server/faction is more difficult than it was before because of the money aspects between enchants, the rep grind for new BoAs, the money for those boas and then the grind for normal BoAs. People arent willing to invest so much time just to play 19.

I know that in Atoma, our number of active members has been increasing from a few factors. Quite a few of our new active players have rerolled as a result of watching us duel outse org. They would ask questions, and be answered enthusiastically; they seen a group of players who could work as a team, communicate effectively and most importantly have a good laugh iwhile they were doing it. An experience which they (and most definitely I) have never really had the pleasure of at 85.

Also, earning(if im allowed to use that word) some kind of reputation in battlegrounds has attracted people to reroll/migrate to come play with us, resulting in an even larger, happier, more fun guild.

Where all that stuff fits in to your post about attempting to bring up the standard of players on alliance is somewhat cloudy, but I reckon that a decent foundation is all that is required on a server. Could be 4-8 active, enthusastic & friendly players "advertising" their twinks to likeminded 85s. (but not in an in-your-face recruitment message in trade) Could be some other way, I dunno.

The sad truth is, I don't really see many potential ways to bring up the level of player we are seeing more and more of these days. It seems to be that twink guilds have to rely on snowballing (even if it takes a while to start) or dying, which is a pity.

In my opinion, we need the community here to get playing in good 85 pvp guilds and start twink "branches" within them. This could at least bring up the skill level a little bit, because frankly its shocking the amount of backpedllers and keyboard turners that still exist, yet have the brain capacity to lock their xp...

Anyway I'm just rambling now. Will be returning to 19 after a couple of weeks break and will be playing on alliance for a bit, but mainly horde. We'll see what happens if the ally defecit is as bad as it sounds :p
In the very short time that i've been playing in this bracket i have noticed this alot, and before i even locked any characters i was on here and noticed how frowned upon it was. The only thing i'd consider queing without is AGM. i got my rogue,hpal, and druid almost "BiS" before i did any BGs. I dont see why other new people dont do it because it would make their experience far more fun and worthwhile.

Maybe the GY farming is good (for now). Could get rid of the people who dont feel like trying or getting gear :D

just my 2 cents.

Estk, Bankmeup, Fxc - all kargath
Not entirely sure I agree with your opinion on GY camping, but then again, you could be right. It does really piss off those of us who have spent alot of time and effort into our chars though. The problem is, the majority of the time people who are camping don't distinguish between the two kinds of players - theyre only looking for a free kill. Even if their team yell at them to stop killing the players who are ressing and just standing there not putting up a fight, they continue on, mindlessly killing..

We need more players like yourself though RestOfTheLynx, if people would gear up before joining bgs they would enjoy it better and be treated better by the more established players.
RestOfTheLynx said:
Maybe the GY farming is good (for now). Could get rid of the people who dont feel like trying or getting gear :D

No, never.

I'd rather have half geared flag focused Rogues than Massakra sitting at Enemy GY all game.

Right mentality > Complete Gear.

Is why I have no problems with flag focused F2Pers.
Llare said:
No, never.

I'd rather have half geared flag focused Rogues than Massakra sitting at Enemy GY all game.

Right mentality > Complete Gear.

Is why I have no problems with flag focused F2Pers.

Amen to everything you just said.
Maybe the GY farming is good (for now). Could get rid of the people who dont feel like trying or getting gear

okay maybe i came across a bit (or severely) wrong, but i really dont see any other way for the undergeared (who stay undergeared) to leave. When confronted about gear most of them get insanely defensive like its a consitutional amendment. In addition, they dont seem to care about losing every game.

Edit: and thank you, i try :D, btw i'm US but this is still very big here too.
yeah what fayhr said, ive seen many F2P's play 10x times better than P2P.

Another problem ive noticed is, people not recognising who there Fc's are. for example, the other day some random 2k hp hunter was Fcing vs the french. i was screaming at the guy to drop the flag (while not raging or swearing) ... he refused to drop because he had 2k hp... i mean sure if your a good hunter thats kool. but sadly he got 3 shotted due to disengaging out LoS and no Agm.

By all means im not saying im pro, but im specced/geared to FC and i can reasonably handle myself vs most class's...

At the end of the day (as people have already mentioned) its the players mentality.. either mindless ganking or actually playing to win and its rarely the correct mind frame. which is half the reason active players quit.

On that note ive quit Fcing (unless premading). i refuse to sit in FR for 10mins for horde to form a pathetic excuse of an offensive, while im kiting (80%) a 3-5 man alliance O on my own because horde only care about score board ratings...

its a sad truth.
Juno0 said:
On that note ive quit Fcing (unless premading). i refuse to sit in FR for 10mins for horde to form a pathetic excuse of an offensive, while im kiting (80%) a 3-5 man alliance O on my own because horde only care about score board ratings...

its a sad truth.

Works both ways, moreso in Hordes favour of late.

Probably will stay in Hordes favour/get more in their favour due to Alliance activity more than dwindling.

I'm afking out of most games, I've seen Cele afking instantly the minute he gets into Flagroom and sees the team we have. I might aswell start doing that.

At least I won't have material to base my moaning on then.

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