EPlC Guild 24 twink recruitment

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Dodging a question

I did say "I am just trying to increase my guild size". which was an answer. These are the ppl that are trolling? Farming is a way to gain honor. Needless to say, We do not gy farm every single game, as ppl on here make it sound. half the time we dont even bother gy farming, 3 capping the flag is more my style, but we go on a majority vote when it comes to how we win. Lastly, we are here to recruit. I was pretty sure that was made clear.
I did say "I am just trying to increase my guild size". which was an answer. These are the ppl that are trolling? Farming is a way to gain honor. Needless to say, We do not gy farm every single game, as ppl on here make it sound. half the time we dont even bother gy farming, 3 capping the flag is more my style, but we go on a majority vote when it comes to how we win. Lastly, we are here to recruit. I was pretty sure that was made clear.

So you will increase your guild size regardless of the people you let in?
So you will increase your guild size regardless of the people you let in?

No we are making changes. We will not allow the same type of people trolling forms in our guild . We are reforming our guild and creating a new code of conduct for players.
So you will increase your guild size regardless of the people you let in?

As panda said we're recruiting people and being selective about who we let in. We've had some discussions over the last few days about how things are going in the guild and I've been observing the behavior of our guildies in the BG's. I think I have a pretty good idea of who might have been rude or was trolling in the BG's. Those people will be monitored and if they are the ones who are causing the trouble, they'll be dealt with.

If you see one of our guildies starting something, take screen shots and by all means, roll a toon on Spirestone and contact us so things can be handled. Without any direct proof we can't really believe every claim made against us. Don't think that we're calling you a liar, but anyone can say "This person from EPIC was trolling or doing this or doing that." Everyone has their bad days and may make a scene, but causing disruption in the BG's is not something that goes on every time, it's actually discouraged or corrected over vent.

Some people also have thin skin or might not really understand the things that might have been said. I myself have nattered against other guildies in BG chat, (appearing to be trolling or being an ass) while at the same time laughing and shooting the breeze with them in vent.
i recommend two candidates for your guild icarrynoobs and critcity

both meet your requirements

[x]troll the twinkinfo forums

[x]troll the bg chat

just trying to help out bro
Ty panda and lithogen.

I was only asking about this because I was reading this thread and one of the locked F2P threads. Someone was trolling F2Ps and was trying to get into your guild.

He got banned before he made it to 3 posts.

His first post was report for trolling in the F2P section, his 2nd post was this:

Hey epicpanda

i tried registering on your guild website to put forth an application to transfer either my 24 pally(almost geared) or hunter but somewhow my account have been pending approval and for a long while already. is it ok if i pm you in wow about joining your guild instead of using your website cause it seems theres something wrong with your website
Ty panda and lithogen.

I was only asking about this because I was reading this thread and one of the locked F2P threads. Someone was trolling F2Ps and was trying to get into your guild.

He got banned before he made it to 3 posts.

His first post was report for trolling in the F2P section, his 2nd post was this:

We're working on a new website and I've spoken with officers in the guild about the behavior of guildies of who we suspect might have been trolling BG's. To my knowledge not a single one of our members have actually "trolled" on twinkinfo. I've made a smart remark but only in passing, never to start a fight or be malicious. I have the feeling that all of this talk about us trolling in a BG is nothing more than a one time event that's been blown out of proportion and constantly dredged up so people can stir the fire and keep bashing us, or just a flat out lie. As far as our conduct on twinkinfo, I've been keeping track of our guild member's posts and have yet to see any trolling or disruptive behavior.

I really do want to stress to you that we're just a 24 tiwnk guild looking to BG, make honor, recruit to get a big guild and have some fun. Though some members of twinkinfo have a serious hatred of 24's and of our guild specifically and try to troll us or just bash and hate without regard for common sense or reason.
People who Troll 24 Twinks are just sore loosers. Just because you get killed by a person that pays to play the game usually has multiple 85s, and spent a long time twinking, has nothing to do with us 24s ruining the game for you F2Ps. If you don't like 24 twinks, Trilling them on forums like this one will only cause more grief to you, the forum mods and the 24s involved. Sure, they may camp the GY every now and again, but if you were a twink and had the opportunity to cap a GY for a few mins I'm sure YOU would take it. Before trolling us, please use your brains and think about what you are doing.

If you are too cheap to pay for a game like wow, don't go whining and crying to others about how OP others are that actually pay for the game. You are F2Ps you should be at a disadvantage because you are not paying a perfectly reasonable price to play the game. I know not all F2P twinks are not like this but many are. Retaliation isn't always the best option use your brains (however big) AND THINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just my 2 cents.

Stay in school and don't take drugs.

Myaahh out!
You seriously need headwork Myaah, lol.
People who Troll 24 Twinks are just sore loosers. Just because you get killed by a person that pays to play the game usually has multiple 85s, and spent a long time twinking, has nothing to do with us 24s ruining the game for you F2Ps. If you don't like 24 twinks, Trilling them on forums like this one will only cause more grief to you, the forum mods and the 24s involved. Sure, they may camp the GY every now and again, but if you were a twink and had the opportunity to cap a GY for a few mins I'm sure YOU would take it. Before trolling us, please use your brains and think about what you are doing.

If you are too cheap to pay for a game like wow, don't go whining and crying to others about how OP others are that actually pay for the game. You are F2Ps you should be at a disadvantage because you are not paying a perfectly reasonable price to play the game. I know not all F2P twinks are not like this but many are. Retaliation isn't always the best option use your brains (however big) AND THINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just my 2 cents.

Stay in school and don't take drugs.

Myaahh out!
i though this thread as about recruitment? so i helped you guys find 2 suitable candidates and you take it as sarcasm? I troll 24s not because i get gy camped by them. i troll because they troll first. your guildies troll bg chat and forums. i troll you guys back its a cycle. Secondly i never camped gy before(when teammates are holding flag and not capping). congratulations your now offically on my troll list for antagonizing me. oh and funny you tell me to stay in school while you cant spell for shit. I use my brains yes retaliation isnt the best way but sometimes you guys need to learn that words sometimes do hurt people. But according to lithogen a person cannot harassed unless he allows himself to be harassed. Since this is the case it is back to trolling 24s back. And i do not whine or cry e.g if some 24 troll is trolling me i troll back see i take action instead of whining and crying. i also know that not all 24s are trolls but in my experience in bg chat and forums atleast 51% are. oh and if you think retaliation isnt the best idea why provoke me in the first place?
Who are you?
figured out since your a 24 your iq is below average so you didnt bother to read what i just wrote.oh and if you must know who i am my name is on the left side of my message but your iq level is probably too low to figure that out in the first place
figured out since your a 24 your average iq is below average so you didnt bother to read what i just wrote.oh and if you must know who i am my name is on the left side of my message but your iq level is probably too low to figure that out in the first place

thank you very much, continue
Anyways, everyone knows AB weekend is upon us. Let's get back down to business. If anyone had thoughts about joining, now would be a good time to let us know.
i am posting here because the other thread got locked and lithogen i am guessing your to lazy to look at it since its locked</p></p>

oh and idc if i am derailling it just giving you want you claim you wanted

I wasn't online when this incident happened.

Thank you for posting that screenshot. To let you know, Median was banned for 3 hours by Blizzard for his comment. We consider that justice done. He was told to keep his comments to himself from now on or else. The other guild members were also warned to keep things civil. As I said before, all we want is proof and we'll handle it.

Again, thank you for bringing this to our attention. Not all of us have sour attitudes, but when it spills over into the game, we do our best to fix the situation. Hope you enjoy the rest of your BG weekend.
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