End of Classic: Best of List!

It's only right with classic ending that we get one last best of thread, as nothing is more sacred to twinking than a best of circle jerk. As a premade logger with no characters even revered with WSG, my list is pretty much entirely from what I've seen in premades. Shoutout to walle for reminding me to do one of these.

Best Guild: Spacebar
An easy choice. No guild consistently stayed at the top the way Spacebar did. They did their high gravity training with Bowner in Havoc, and once they freed themselves of that weight they soared to the top. Some may choose to focus on the controversy of the CWS 3-hour slugfest and what could have been if CWS was the horde team, but Spacebar’s continued dominance after that, especially against peak GSC, easily puts them at #1 in my eyes.
One of the tougher choices. An argument could be made for GSC if a guild’s peak is the focus, or even BTNE if longevity is what you value, but for me CWS takes it. Fairbanks CWS was an equal of any guild at the time. Even with losses to Havoc and NHF, watching the games you never felt that CWS wouldn’t win a series. After the transfer to Mankrik and some roster changes, CWS really took off and was far and away the best guild. Don’t think the gap between the 1st and 2nd best guilds was ever bigger in classic than it was at the time where CWS beat Havoc.

Biggest Disappointment: Infierno
Lot of guilds tried and failed to competitively premade, but one that stands out is Infierno. Infierno was a top 5 guild at the time of the Hass tourney and had a few key players to build around. Post Hass tourney, a transfer to Mankrik plus the addition of a few solid players would have been enough to solidify them as a guild capable of getting caps against anyone, but it wasn’t meant to be.
HM: GSC’s timing
GSC of course wasn’t a disappointment, as they were easily one of the best and most fun guilds to play. Sadly, GSC’s emergence occurred between the two 19 tourneys and at a time when 19 guilds were exploring 29s. With some better timing, we would have been treated to many more GSC premades that surely would have been some of the most enjoyable of classic.

Best O: CWS Lock/Mage
Not hard to imagine that an offense with potentially 2 of the top 3 players in classic playing control classes on it would be good, and that’s exactly what the Kashi/Reffy CWS O was. With Canna/Hass/Kenta/Jfine rounding it out, it was devastating, especially in the pre wargame world of only Ally vs. Horde games. It’s a shame CWS was so anti-splits, as this group would still be competing for the top spot today.
HM: The GSC double lock/mage. Forced spacebar to switch to a 5/5, enough said.

Best D: Scrappy and the boys
With Scrappy you’re already top 3, add in the rest and you easily got the best group of classic. They reached their peak when Mass moved on from that stupid ass Blackmirror name. With Wap operating the squad, you knew they were always good for a couple goofy looks that would throw off your O, and Woah was a consistent force on priest.
HM: JWL and his prince albert

Best Player: Scrappy
There’s no bigger gap between the 1st and 2nd best players of a class as there is between Scrappy and the next best druid, and that’s not even an indictment of the other druids, Scrappy is just that good.
HM: Kashi
A lot of viable options here, but Kashi was the best player on the best class in classic. Early classic he was BTNE’s biggest nightmare, making our O feel hopeless when he played D and crushing us when he was on O and in mid. Some other mages I think began to catch up post Hass tourney, but Kashi is still the gold standard.

Best of List:
Druid: Scrappy

There were some other great druids, but shoutout to PP. His progression from having never FCed to where he is as a druid now is one of the best stories of classic.

Hunter: Atax
Obviously biased, but I gotta go with the original king of twinking. Pizza’s rise is entirely thanks to the beatings he got during his formative years from Atax.
HM: Pizza, Wap

Rogue: Minimized
A controversial pick, given that he may not even be the best rogue in his guild, but Mini was the scariest rogue for me to come across in mid. Easily the hardest rogue to fake cast on, Mini’s sap game was also second to none. I wouldn’t argue against any of the honorable mention rogues being mentioned as #1, but I gotta give the crown to Mini.
HM: Drew, Cirran, Saxx, Hass

Warrior: Walle
Maybe the most polarizing player in classic, Walle has his fair share of haters. Don’t think any of them can doubt his ability though. The mix of his mechanics, planning/theory crafting, and leadership of spacebar easily makes him the best warrior and another contender for one of the top players of classic.
HM: HTM, Kentagana, Fix, Sillus (if he could do jumps)

Warlock: Reffy
Top 5, maybe top 3, player of all classic. Like scrappy, the gap between him and the others that play his class is gigantic. Also, like scrappy, he’s easily one of the most liked players of classic.
HM: GSC lock

Mage: Kashi
HM: Mass, Lucas, Lebbi

Shoutout to Lebbi, could start on any team in classic.

Priest: Plantz
Like rogue, a lot of players around the same level at the top. Giving plants the nod almost entirely because he made it through all of classic being Drew and Walles O-priest without having a major breakdown.
HM: Jfine, Blurz

Shaman: Kunz
Kunz gets the nod for me over someone like Canna just due to having played on the same O as him and seeing what he can do. The mormon machine would be a top player on any class, can’t wait to see him on mage in TBC.
HM: Canna

Paladin: Tomassobrady obviously

Don't get salty if you/your friends not on the list, I may have forgotten people or maybe they just aren't that good.
Thank you for the kind words and doing your part in making classic a great experience.

I don't think I've ever done a best of list. I feel like I'd be very biased so I'm going to do one without putting guildmates (with one exception). I understand this is a cop out, but that's who I am.

Best Guild: BTNE

Great group of guys who were always willing to game. They were constantly a top guild and truly put the work in. AMAF forever.

Biggest Disappointment: CWS disappearing
HM: Not Getting Another Series With GSC

Best O: GSC

Best D: BTNE

Best Player: Ventrix
HM: Kunz

Best of List:
Druid: Welferal

Hunter: Kunz
HM: Merkel

Rogue: Ventrix/Cirran
HM: Lucy

Warrior: Fix
HM: Sillus

Warlock: Redfins
HM: Tombrady

Mage: Jacko
HM: LD, Lebs

Priest: Coolirl (Fort)
HM: Blurz

Shaman: Scooby
HM: Canna

Paladin: Drad/Pluoli

Pug Hero Shoutouts: Schloops, Barb, Clam, Hqc, Justfine, Charlesminer, Froby, Ezeron.

Sorry if I missed anyone. Thanks everybody for making Classic great. I truly love the twink community and it's been awesome playing with everyone. To TBC!!
I appreciate the love Scrappy, it's a huge compliment coming from you, but I definitely disagree with it haha. Here is my end of classic list, noting that I'm probably unfairly missing a lot of good players from the last 6 months+ where I've been MIA from 19s.

Best Guild: Spacebar

The track record over the course of classic speaks for itself. Would have loved to have seen more Spacebar v CWS v GSC games because I think in terms of talent the guilds were all on par.

Biggest Disappointment: Hohos/AP (Stalagg Boys)
There was a core group of players here that could have made a really competitive guild but we never got it to work.
HM: Wondrous not getting the chance to run the 8/2 strat

Best BIS Boys and Girls:

Best Player: Scrappy

There is no player that had more of an impact on whether you would win or lose a game than Scrappy. For me the only player I came across in classic that was possibly as talented as Scrappy, across multiple classes, was Pepperjack.
HM: Redfins
Playing with him makes the game so much easier, playing against him is a horrible experience.

Druid: Scrappy
HM: Chewie/Sin

Hunter: Wap
HM: Atax

Rogue: Drew
HM: Hass, Cirran, Saxx

Warrior: Fix (If I ever became a competent player, it was only because of him)
HM: Walle (interchangeable with Fix, but Fix is my boy and I'd be doing him a disservice)

Warlock: Redfins
HM: Scrappy

Mage: Lebs (Possibly somehow underrated still)
HM: Kashi, Situational

Priest: Plantz
HM: Jfine
(Also winner of best teeth)

Shaman: Wouch (Also just one of the most knowledgeable and helpful tinks)
HM: Canna

Paladin: Drad
HM: Johneffer
<Handsome Body Builder IRL>

Best Troll: Swordmage

Best Dog: Skyla

Classic was a really great experience so thanks to everyone on both sides of the gulch for making it what is was. See everyone in TBC!
I'm gonna pull a Scrappy and also not name anyone in my guild. I also don't pug very much so this is going to be mostly from competitive context.

Best Player: Kunz -
I'm rly thinking about the ability to multiclass well when I think best overall. Any of these names could be #1 imo, all great at every class they play.
HM: Justfine, Ventrix

Druid: Mvq - Brought a bunch of new jumps to the scene that weren't commonly used, great mechanical player
HM: PP, Darkchewie

Hunter: Skeezin
- Knows the nuance of his class inside and out, a big shame he wasn't more of a premade player because he can steer defense exceptionally well.
HM: Pizza, Ruin, Atax

Rogue: Hass - Appreciates technical play for his class like few others. In the infamous game spacebar played vs CWS it felt like Hass was great at finding opportunities to make a lot of powerful solo plays
HM: Cirran

Warrior: Fix - would have loved to see Fix premade more. He was a mechanical monster and had the game sense for gulch like not many others do.
HM: Monocles, Sillus, Schein

Warlock: Redfins -
maybe a controversial opinion, don't come for me. his fear pathing always sent you the worst possible direction.
HM: Dan, Nature, Quasion, Tom

Mage: Lucas - the handful of pugs I played vs Lucas, he made the twinks on my team afk every game without fail. also rly annoying to position vs in mid.
HM: LD, Jacko, Kashi

Priest: Justfine - he heal and he press dispel good. also one of the most underrated aspects of priest imo is communicating with your team about your position and their cooldowns, which I think jfine is great at.
HM: Ventrix,

I can't decide between Wouch and Cannabis. I only played a handful of meaningful games with or against either and they're both OP
HM: I also can't think of another shaman

Paladin: Tom. Watching Parry's tournament play, it was def underappreciated how frequently Tom was changing gear and making good decisions to play defensively or offensively. he also has very good uptime on blessings which is like 75% of why paladin is good imo
HM: Not sure if Drad ever fc'd on his pally in wargames, but he'd be a good contender for #1. Doesn't just press freedom on cd while people are spamming purge on him.

Best Dog: Skyla (Ventrix) - I've never felt more emotional watching videos of some dog I'll never meet from across the world.
Also best Dog: Jax (Cannabis) - Maybe the most frequent appearance in #animal-pics across all classic twink discords, and it's a blessing every time we get a new pic
HM: Meelosh, Ghost, Holly, Evie, Sheeba, Sasha

Best Cat: TOASTY
(Dietpopper) - The real reason I made this post, Toasty R1 everything catgodx, pineapple bed, stuffy nose, cute as they come. A national treasure and the reason I wake up every morning.
HM: Lydia, Pumpkin, Toasty again
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Hello -- Wouch here! First, sorry to see you go Tom. You are one of the most positive voices in the community and you have used your certain cachet to create change or make statements when appropriate. I don't ever remember playing with or against you a single time during the duration of classic, but you still managed to make a huge impact on my enjoyment -- and a few times you even put me in my place. I admire that and it's a great loss to see you go.

I only played 19s for about four months. I only have a single Exalted 19 twink which I know is far less than people here. And I only played in about 25 wargames in my time in the bracket. I would have loved to play more, but the timing didn't work out and there was a real dearth of both competition and wargames which made it a struggle to justify playing this bracket while I was active.

That being said, there were a lot of people who very much impressed me. The credentials for my list are people who I have seen in 15+ games (pugs, pregames, spectator). I chose this because I really believe sample size biases influence a lot of these lists. If I play a single game with somebody and they make a mistake, then I am typically pretty dismissive of their talents. But if I play 20 games with them, then the emphasis of that single mistake in my evaluation is drowned out by the other things they have accomplished. We all make silly mistakes and think "Oopsies, that was dumb!".

What I am trying to say is, if you didn't make my list, it's more that I am ignorant and am not qualified to make a list, not that you aren't a shoe in. This is especially true for BTNE and GSC. In addition, there are 100s of players in both 19s and 29s, I am bound to forget a few. Also, there are players who I very much respect, but it doesn't make sense to list 10 for each class, so if you didn't make it, maybe you're a 93/100 whereas the player listed is a 97/100. Does it really matter? No. Also, these are silly anyway. I am sure 50 people have you as #1 on their list, but they just don't care enough to post. But I am incredibly vain and love seeing my name in writing, so I figured I'd post one.

Druid: Scrappy
Hunter: Verberry
Mage: Kawasaki
Paladin: Systm
Priest: Plants
Rogue: Ventrix
Shamans: We're all the best for choosing the best class. Wolves strong together.
Warlock: Redfins
Warrior: Walle

Top 5 (Alphabetically):

Underrated Players:
Drdogg, Grizzly, Harrystyles, Lebadian, Sinlyr
Overrated Players:
Situationz, Wouch
Player I most want to see on my team:
Player I want to play against the least:

Low Sample Size, but still impressed me:
Powerlol (Pug Orc Warrior)
Dad (Warlock Covid19)
Merkel (Hunter, DDG)
Sudosomething (Druid CWS)

[Edit: I was informed that I forgot the most important part. Best dog is Sheba (homer pick). Best cat is Lydia (safespotter).]
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