election season who you got?

who u got

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 32 45.7%
  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 4 5.7%
  • Bernie Sanders

    Votes: 32 45.7%
  • None of the Above

    Votes: 8 11.4%

  • Total voters
If you want to be technical about it, we're ALL immigrants and the only true Americans are the Native Americans. And I seem to have this odd notion that we didn't enter by the Natives' definition of a legal process, either.

But when he's saying he's against illegal immigration, he's not talking about us, is he?

No, what he IS talking about, in its plainest, layman-est term(which is 90% of what Trump speaks to begin with, please note that he always talks in general terms- he's said we're going to go destroy ISIS a hundred times but never says a word about how exactly he intends to do so, he got his ass laughed at when Rubio called him out on his vague plans for health insurance that involved no specifics but instead him repeating the same catch-all phrases he's already said about five hundred times in a row), IS Mexican immigrants.

Interlude: It's funny that you tell me that Trump isn't being racist by calling immigrants rapists, but that I AM a racist for thinking of immigrants as someone from a Latin American country, which happens to be what Trumps' remarks were directed at, using words that leave zero room for interpretation.

/end interlude: Of course there are immigrants from all over the world coming to America. Likewise, there are what could be considered immigrants constantly flowing FROM the U.S. to Canada, all over Europe, and parts of Asia, to name a few. But we're talking apples and oranges. In Trumps' mindset, we're talking "you folks are chill" and "you're crime-ridden rapists."

You've already told us that you haven't researched any of this.

Your opinion is null.

Look some shit up.

At the end of the day, we're voting once every four years between a bunch of liars and the best liar will win.

But if you can't recognize a bad thing when you see it, I encourage you not to vote.

I'm going to take a wild guess(lol) and say you're not a registered voter anyway.


The native Americans did not colonize the US, so I'm not sure how that would even make them more native than anyone else in the US when we don't know who was here first even looking thousands of years back it could've been a different race. And for a population to live in a place for so long without colonization makes one wonder if they were really there first or were there different people to bring them there by boat. (Could even be a different race that brought the Indians there) You would have to look hundreds, maybe even thousands of years back to see who was initially there to determine who are the "immigrants". So one could assume that everyone in the world is not native to their homelands because who knows, maybe dinosaurs or flying unicorns inhabited that particular location a thousand years back and we should just give it back to them :)

Btw, trump didn't call "immigrants" rapists, he called "illegal immigrants" rapists... you stated native Americans are native here and not immigrants, so that means trump is then referring to himself as a rapist because he is not Native American and thus an immigrant, correct? Which proves that he wouldn't call himself a rapist (and say immigrants are as well) on purpose even when I'm sure he believes native Americans are not the immigrants lol... That's why I watch the unedited clips of politicians speaking so they (the media) don't cut the clips and show you what they want people to see rather than what should be shown in its entirety.
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I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you have no idea what the Bering Strait is, Frozen
Not to mention by your logic, the Native Americans aren't natives because they didn't colonize the Americas(false, by the way, at least so far as we can guess archaeologically)? What's funny to me is that by your logic, NOBODY colonized the Americas, and by your inferred and perhaps unintentional insistence that basically nobody who meets the definition of an immigrant actually IS an immigrant(lol), illegal immigrants can't be immigrants because they're NOT immigrants!

Oh man.. thanks ^^
All that stuff hundreds of years in the past is irrelevant, anyway. The only definition of legal and illegal immigrants that matter are those of the present. I can't quite decipher what Frozenwill was trying to say, but it's all moot points.
Not to mention by your logic, the Native Americans aren't natives because they didn't colonize the Americas(false, by the way, at least so far as we can guess archaeologically)? What's funny to me is that by your logic, NOBODY colonized the Americas, and by your inferred and perhaps unintentional insistence that basically nobody who meets the definition of an immigrant actually IS an immigrant(lol), illegal immigrants can't be immigrants because they're NOT immigrants!

Oh man.. thanks ^^

Lol did you just say Native Americans colonized the US? Do ya have any proof? I take it you also believe they invented the Internet too? Lmao
All that stuff hundreds of years in the past is irrelevant, anyway. The only definition of legal and illegal immigrants that matter are those of the present. I can't quite decipher what Frozenwill was trying to say, but it's all moot points.

"All that stuff hundred of years in the past is irrelevant" -Dorigon, I take it you haven't heard why Israel is still fighting the Palestinians and vice versa. And that's been over a hundred years so how exactly does that not matter?
I mean, there are archeological ruins that science has proven to have existed in the U.S. for sometime in between 14,000 and 20,000 years. Who do you THINK built em, little green men?

Lol I hope your just trolling now...
"All that stuff hundred of years in the past is irrelevant" -Dorigon, I take it you haven't heard why Israel is still fighting the Palestinians and vice versa. And that's been over a hundred years so how exactly does that not matter?
I'm talking about America here. Can discuss Israel in another thread if you're so inclined.
I mean, there are archeological ruins that science has proven to have existed in the U.S. for sometime in between 14,000 and 20,000 years. Who do you THINK built em, little green men?
Don't even bother, Frozen strongly believes that the world is 4000 years old
In addition, the democrats were the founders of the KKK, so if anyone should be throwing around the "racist remarks", it shouldn't be hitlery or socialist sanders. Not to mention Bernie sanders is a horrible choice because we all know socialism doesn't work, look at Greece for an example (their economy is trash).
This was back when the Democrats was the party of southern racists, and the Republican party was the northern, progressive party. Democrats and Republicans more or less switched sides starting with Nixon's "Southern Strategy".
I lightly combed through the 9 pages of this discussion and I feel like anyone who's been decrying Sanders as the least viable candidate due to being "socialist" are sorely mistaken. The correct term is "democractic socialist".


Not to be confused with the Cold War era Marxist-Leninist socialism that most out of touch white people are scared of. Bernie's not going to take everyone's money and give it to everyone else to pay for free college and shit, that's asinine to think. His intentions are making the rich pay more of their fair share when they haven't for so many years, and to make the money in the government work for everyone the way it should, not just for the top of the food chain and the fat cat lifer politicians.

Anyone here who legitimately says they're voting for Trump and is NOT trolling - there's no way you can be serious. The guy is literally the worst thing to happen to American politics in decades. A hot-headed, infantile, xenophobic demagogue has no place anywhere near the White House and is completely unfit to hold the highest political office in the nation.
Anyone here who legitimately says they're voting for Trump and is NOT trolling - there's no way you can be serious. The guy is literally the worst thing to happen to American politics in decades. A hot-headed, infantile, xenophobic demagogue has no place anywhere near the White House and is completely unfit to hold the highest political office in the nation.

You're "LITERALLY" the guy this video is mocking through satire:

Can't believe that moron in the vid was comparing trump to hitler...

I really hope this is just a troll, and that you don't actually believe that video wasn't satire.
You're "LITERALLY" the guy this video is mocking through satire:

I really hope this is just a troll, and that you don't actually believe that video wasn't satire.

Or maybe I stopped watching the vid after he made the trump/hitler comparison lol.. No one wants to hear a guy rambling on for minutes impersonating mindless voters xD
Weak excuse, breh.

edit: Actually, I take that back. With all the idiots on the left screaming "racism", it's understandable why you would assume that video was a serious take on Trump's character.
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Vote for Falkor. I'm going to build a wall around non pvpers and make them pay for it.

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