Egosvaultx of the Horde

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Lmfao, some guy just said "Reported" I ask why, and he says for botting. I ask him how I'm a bot if I'm sitting here talking to him, and he says I've been killing the same human for 2 hours, so I must be a bot. I ask how obtained this logic on how farming makes someone a bot, and he ignores me haha xP.

Well off to the hospital to see meh dad!
Ego said:
I think I might just end up writing a super guide here or something. I'm quitting WoW to here soon, just gonna probably keep game time so on occasion I can hop on and chat with friends.


Except I get a turtle mount and title right ;D?

mmmm u quitting wow that sad i dont play wow that much any more but my account keeps getting payed for ;) soooo yea
zaraydora said:
i think it's a good game keeps me playing like wow use to do to me when i played back in 2006:D

Honestly, wow is getting boring... I miss the good old days where the 2.2 - 2.6 patch mostly... But, blizzard's treadmill is not getting any simpler to run on, that is for sure...:(
I miss having 1600+ hp on my level 1. I miss being able to actually raid (Kara). I miss 70 pvp with a resto druid.

Level 1 twinking is the only thing left in WoW for me, hell I haven't even used Egoraptor for anything other than occasion rare spawn check and sending gold to alts. By alts I mean my level 1.
I agree...

Leveling is boring, even with leveling through the warsong gultch systems... I find twinking, slowly dropping out of its prime. Now, I havn't been here as long as other people have (seriously, there are people that have been twinking since day 1 of wow). And I don't know their opinions on this, but heres what I tell myself..

The day Twinkinfo, the web site drops, I drop
Heh, I was just about to ask you (nick) why you took the hunter out of your signature... then I forgot I have ad block, (I never see any ads, AT ALL) and I can also block sigs. I have almost everyone sig blocked and certain things here blocked =P. It helps my pages load faster on my craptastic satellite.
canihascookie said:
I agree...

Leveling is boring, even with leveling through the warsong gultch systems... I find twinking, slowly dropping out of its prime. Now, I havn't been here as long as other people have (seriously, there are people that have been twinking since day 1 of wow). And I don't know their opinions on this, but heres what I tell myself..

The day Natural, Ego, Twinkytoes, Conrose, JailBot, Co-operation and Spooksters stop playing wow, I'll drop.

I'm a great twink just not a great friend.
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