Egosvaultx of the Horde

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No problem Tazz, I get home @ 3:00pm EST

Heh, I'm trying to catch up with you guys in posts =P
Ego said:

Stayed home from school today, because I be sick :(

So I'll be on WoW pretty much all day if anyone wants to farm/farmee/talk etc.

Just hit me up ^_^

Same here bro, I got the day off tho, ill be there soon <3
Ego said:
Well just got home from the vet. Gonna see if I can log on (I doubt it), but if I'm lucky it won't be a dc fest.

Btw! Made myself a signature! :D

I like it Ego! And sorry I logged out on you, I was gettting extremely bored :(
Spooksters said:
lol what!!!! Nice ^^ THat's fucking pro if you did it with paint

Thanks :D

reessagny said:
not a bad signature. how long did it take you?

Mmm, 25 minutes tops?

I made about 6, I just can't really decide. I kind of like the one with the turtle, but I have one that says Egosvaultx under-neath my blood elf, then says to the right:



<Bankers of America>

Except it's more centered. I'm going to browse through other peoples sigs and just kinda come up with something. Paint is actually quite amazing for signatures ^_^ Just takes a steady hand.
Hey man what are you at how make HK's?
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