Easy to twink now

mookjr said:
too bad the engineering goggles look much better than the boa headgear...may have to turn the helm display off.

Yeah, this is a problem for me. Theres no way that im playing with a load of feathers sticking out of my head, or with the valor headgear!
Kore nametooshort said:
Yeah, this is a problem for me. Theres no way that im playing with a load of feathers sticking out of my head, or with the valor headgear!

I don't doubt that we will see wannabes running around in BoA helms claiming they are twinks, maybe a "display-off" would be better all in general ;P
1. QQ less and guild together and level your mains more. Buy the new expansion. Spend more RL money on pixels. Queue in random LFGs at 85. Mua ha ha ha. You thought you'd frozen everything at 19 but your BiS-atitis means you gotta chase that heirloom carrot blizzard dangle under your nose, or you won't be BiS and that burning feeling that your twink could have 1 more of this or 2 more of that will eat you inside until you can take it no more. Sneaky blizzard buggers :)

2. Easier point of entry into twinking is good for twinking. More new people coming in. More people trying it out, more variety, faster queue times. Yeah some of them are going to be scrubs, some will farm, some will be tunneling hunters, some will quit when the going gets tough, some will emote spam - Just like all of the stuff that some of the old school twinks do. A lower barrier to entry means you WILL meet some cool new twinks you've never met before.

3. All this 'making it too easy' and 'Pure Twinks' and 'wannabes' talk sounds elitest epeen to me, like a couple of people in EU that shout in /bg that they were twinking when you were drinking milk / U WOTLK NOOB etc. My twink is PURER than your twink... My pixels are bigger than your pixels. Wow is littered with blizzard making hard things easier and 'its too easy now' qq. Its beginning to sound like really old people talking about what it was like in their day.

4. Wearing a floppy cloth fishing hat for the stam is lame and only happened because it took blizzard 4 fecking expansions to come up with something for low levels apart from a floppy hat and freaky looking engi goggles. Give me a leather head for a rogue, mail/plate for a warr any day etc. Warriors are supposed to wear armor not the lucky floppy cloth 'a fishing knife would cut thru it wtf has it got 15 stam for' hat.

5. You only thought LFH looked really cool because other ppl had them before you and you wasted sooo many sundays fishing the damn things and believe the 'but its iconic and represents 19's brigade'. If LFH and RNG (some ppl fishing for 50+ sundays etc.) is the icon of 19s then good riddance. Level the playing field. Everyone can level a main, not everyone can fish for 2 hours every sunday for a year.

6. All Twinks wearing the same LFH look more similar than twinks wearning their respective class BoAS.

disclaimer : All my twinks have hats, boots had 450 profs etc and one of the favourite thing in my RL world is my old blue faded fishing hat, complete with a couple of trout flys, dried fish guts and scales (rainbow trout and Salmon) and a faded 'Waitaki River Fishing Competition 1979' logo.
Rivfader said:
I just dont like the idea of using an item I dont actually "own" I wanna be able to gquit and still have my gear if it ever came to that.

Blizz have said that they've changed their minds on guild boas and they will no longer be 'bound to guild', if you gquit you keep em. Will find the link tomorrow
taniwha said:
ghostcrawler has said that they've changed their minds on guild boas and they will no longer be 'bound to guild', if you gquit you keep em. Will find the link tomorrow

i had a quick look in blue tracker and all i could find was this

Lylirra said:
Right now, the plans are to introduce most of the new heirlooms through the guild reward system; however, we also intend to make some available for purchase outside of it.

not quite what you meant but sounds good.
Kore nametooshort said:
i had a quick look in blue tracker and all i could find was this

not quite what you meant but sounds good.

I definately remember reading something a while back on this, cant find the old blue, but this new one will do :

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Beta - (English) Forums -> Guild Vendor

Mumper said:
The heirlooms on the guild vendor are just like other heirlooms in the game except that these must be unlocked via a guild achievement and you must have the required guild faction to purchase them. After that, you can use them just like normal heirloom items.

We did have thoughts of making these items guild bound a long time ago but we came to the conclusion that that was just too limiting of a design. Imagine leaving a guild and losing all the guild rewards that you worked so hard to get? Taking items away from players is something that we would like to avoid at all costs.

Lead Content Designer
The heirlooms on the guild vendor are just like other heirlooms in the game except that these must be unlocked via a guild achievement and you must have the required guild faction to purchase them. After that, you can use them just like normal heirloom items.

We did have thoughts of making these items guild bound a long time ago but we came to the conclusion that that was just too limiting of a design. Imagine leaving a guild and losing all the guild rewards that you worked so hard to get? Taking items away from players is something that we would like to avoid at all costs.

Lead Content Designer

This is great! I'm excited! Thanks a lot for that post.
Even better just join a guild get the gear then leave, so simple you could even say "WTB Guild BOAs!!!" top guilds would sell you a spot in their guild for 1 day and then you could leave with the best gear without having to spend any time in a guild .
I am very excited now, hmm anyone else notice how boss the new boa helm / cloak will be for 10 hunters? :D
whoohaa we got boa head's

whats the big deal? it just gives more choises, other stats and twinks better suided to you presonal playstile. and so what the "pure" or "core" twink aint the best or whatever. i have plenty of twinks, not one of them has a fishing head, some have googles but thats it. not realy that mutch of a loss. yes i find pll who do want to spend a lot of time on some "super" items who kill me, but then again, im sure if i'd had those items i'd kill them. and thats what i like about the 19 bracket. IT INVOLVES PERSONAL SKILLS WITH THE KEYBOARD. and the difference in time and money pll spend on they're twink shouldnt be in the way to bet a nice WSG or arena. i'm not to happy with the way cata looks for twinks so far, but i do like the heads.

keep it skilled pll
yo i dont give a FUCK who thinks this is good for twinking! getting hat, back in the day boots, and AGM are like rites of passage for any twink worth anything. They mark the true twinks from the half ass ones. I remember in BC seeing guilds full of ppl with LFH and wondering how the fuck they got them all. Nothing replaces dedication of getting hat.

TL;DR: pissed off nostalgia
Lawlpurge said:
yo i dont give a FUCK who thinks this is good for twinking! getting hat, back in the day boots, and AGM are like rites of passage for any twink worth anything. They mark the true twinks from the half ass ones. I remember in BC seeing guilds full of ppl with LFH and wondering how the fuck they got them all. Nothing replaces dedication of getting hat.

TL;DR: pissed off nostalgia

this isnt bc or vanilla.. this is wotlk where every retard and his mom has fishing hat.. nothing special about it and it's time for a change
Turtlezyo said:
this isnt bc or vanilla.. this is wotlk where every retard and his mom has fishing hat.. nothing special about it and it's time for a change

you're a fag.
Nutrun said:
Private's Tabards (Scout's Tabards?) were 'back in the day'. Boots were last year. Anywho feel free to run around if your fishing hat if nostalgia matters that much to you no one is stopping you, but Wrathful Gladiators don't PvP in S4.

oh i will. When cata hits im gonna be rocking blackened defias, talbar, evocator's with TWENNY NINE spellpower, and my fuckin fishing hat :S

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