Easy to twink now

Lawlpurge said:
yo i dont give a FUCK who thinks this is good for twinking! getting hat, back in the day boots, and AGM are like rites of passage for any twink worth anything. They mark the true twinks from the half ass ones. I remember in BC seeing guilds full of ppl with LFH and wondering how the fuck they got them all. Nothing replaces dedication of getting hat.

TL;DR: pissed off nostalgia

One year of fishing, one hat, on my old banned account. I'm not gonna fucking fish for another year of stupid RNG.
1 & 1/2 years on and off wasting sunday afternoons - This week I read about the new head slots for 19s

and guess what .....8/22/10 got the damn keffer fish......

Right after I got my boots last year they nerfed those too...

I love U blizz (*#$@%@^&)!!
ghash said:
1 & 1/2 years on and off wasting sunday afternoons - This week I read about the new head slots for 19s

and guess what .....8/22/10 got the damn keffer fish......

Right after I got my boots last year they nerfed those too...

I love U blizz (*#$@%@^&)!!

because cata is this wednesday!!!
I bet with full boa we'll be seeing a lot more exp "twinks". BAR is already shit OP now exp bg's will be filled with. All these boa's are destroying low lvl pvp. Twinking doesn't really get hurt by this. But I'm worried that the majority of players from 1-84 will look exactly the same as twinks. All wairing their ugly boa sets :(
Muqmuq said:
I bet with full boa we'll be seeing a lot more exp "twinks". BAR is already shit OP now exp bg's will be filled with. All these boa's are destroying low lvl pvp. Twinking doesn't really get hurt by this. But I'm worried that the majority of players from 1-84 will look exactly the same as twinks. All wairing their ugly boa sets :(

Awe come on... Pre-BC gear is the shit... don't lie.

Plus I don't think low levels will be so widely effected, just opens the door to new twinks.

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