Duopaladin meets Swifty IRL - video

Good for duo, I know for a fact he's truly a super fan. Stay thirsty haters.
Re: Duopaladin IRL lol

In the 80's we used to call it a LAN party.

Here in TX we have "authentic" Mexican restaurants on every corner. Sometime even two and three. One of my favorites is Chuy's. I highly recommend them. Their creamy jalapeno sauce is to die for. I bet they may even deliver if you ask really, really nice.


Original Chuy's in Austin is one of my favorites. I live in Houston now though and there are plenty of Mexican food restaurants and well plenty of Mexicans.
This is very cool i'm thrilled that HC's Higher Ups are spending time with Swifty, it's getting 24s a lot pf publicity, who knows maybe soon twinks will go from hipster status to main stream status via things like this.
Re: Duopaladin IRL lol

It probably wouldn't hurt.

I mean problems solve themselves right?


Isn't that a cute baby? :cool:

Re: Duopaladin IRL lol

In the 80's we used to call it a LAN party.

Here in TX we have "authentic" Mexican restaurants on every corner. Sometime even two and three. One of my favorites is Chuy's. I highly recommend them. Their creamy jalapeno sauce is to die for. I bet they may even deliver if you ask really, really nice.


They've got the same restaurant chain in the Phoenix area - used to blast the TV with commercials about 15 years ago.
All be it banned, he is still a member who is free to appeal and gain back his access to this forum.

You misunderstand me. It is not directed at anyone at all, regardless of being a member or not.
Honestly wouldn't mind swifts popularizing the bracket. Just an opportunity to give f2ps more recognition and quite possibly cause blizzard to glance at their f2p community. Just a maybe tho.

But on topic, basically anyone who hangs out with swifts probably attempts to bulk up in advance IMO. He'll id be intimidated to do so as well. But it's all silly talk if you ask me. It's wow lol. But yea I look forward to hanging out there sometime
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I'm not really a swifty fan nor do i particularly like him, but he is however quite a big deal especially if you watch his videos! So huge gratz to Duo! :)
You misunderstand me. It is not directed at anyone at all, regardless of being a member or not.

An @ thread doesn't necessarily have to be addressed to the person in question, it can just be related to that person, as is this one.
I'm not really a swifty fan nor do i particularly like him, but he is however quite a big deal especially if you watch his videos! So huge gratz to Duo! :)

I Guess I respect him Bc he's a gamer who stays in shape, enjoys the outside world and doesn't stereotype the average wow player. And actually is willing to interact with his fans and invite em over
I Guess I respect him Bc he's a gamer who stays in shape, enjoys the outside world and doesn't stereotype the average wow player. And actually is willing to interact with his fans and invite em over

Exactly, plus he finds genuine joy in the game, which is hard. Especially when it you play it all the time..

He sends a good message to younger kids, who might be new to wow or just spends too much time gaming and i'm sure that he's helped quite a lot of people get the inspiration to lose some weight or whatevs.
Honestly wouldn't mind swifts popularizing the bracket. Just an opportunity to give f2ps more recognition and quite possibly cause blizzard to glance at their f2p community. Just a maybe tho.

The only thing that can come of this is good things for the 20-24 bracket (and lower level twinking in general), and a spotlight on the fun that is had here. I'd suggest those of us here to encourage the big guns like swifty to give the bracket a closer look - when literally thousands of people start making 24s on a suggestion from him, it will oblige Blizzard to at least take a passing notice. Anyone interested in actually showing big streamers that we have a large, cohesive community is welcome to contact me in-game if they are interested in joining an organized effort to get attention for the bracket.

Say what you will about Holy Crit's methods, but when it comes to shining a spotlight on our community, I feel like we are right on track.

______Brainwash, GM of Holy Crit
The only thing that can come of this is good things for the 20-24 bracket (and lower level twinking in general), and a spotlight on the fun that is had here. I'd suggest those of us here to encourage the big guns like swifty to give the bracket a closer look - when literally thousands of people start making 24s on a suggestion from him, it will oblige Blizzard to at least take a passing notice. Anyone interested in actually showing big streamers that we have a large, cohesive community is welcome to contact me in-game if they are interested in joining an organized effort to get attention for the bracket.

Say what you will about Holy Crit's methods, but when it comes to shining a spotlight on our community, I feel like we are right on track.

______Brainwash, GM of Holy Crit

Brainwashed, i'm not going to lie - having the bracket get farmed by Duo and Brownzz occasionally is a fair trade off for this kind of publicity.

I'll message you in game about the streaming
An @ thread doesn't necessarily have to be addressed to the person in question, it can just be related to that person, as is this one.

An @ thread is, by definition, directed at a specific person or persons. That is why they were discouraged in the first place - forums tend to get cluttered when they are full of threads that are really just messages directed from one person to another. Perhaps you remember all the @ threads that used to spam the official forums?
This is turning into an argument thread if anything else. If you don't have anything to contribute don't post here.

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