Duels/Arenas - Peoples thoughts and perceptions.

First off, the plural of shaman is shaman*. Ok, we got that out of the way. I never use AGM against someone who doesn't have it, cus it's pretty much an I win button, unless they can purge/dispell. Second, when I'm in arena, and one of my teammates, or the opposing teammates goes down, I wait till their health/mana is full, and bandage CD is down. Bandaging is ok imo, theres plenty of ways to prevent with dots and whatnot.

edit: when i'm about to 1v1 an opposing arena player, then i'll do a quick /ready, or /go before starting.
Anything goes, stop being babies.

^How I play.
Rofan said:
Anything goes, stop being babies.

^How I play.

Well, we kind of have to play like that no in arenas, I'm just saying that they should remove some things to balance arenas out a bit, it would make it more skill based.
I still don't fly with the logic that because you don't have something which anyone can obtain that other people shouldn't use it. In every twink bracket you are lacking some class abilities, but that's part of what twinking is about: picking a level and playing to it.

If you are outgeared, you gear up.
It's not about whether you are willing to go the extra mile and level herbalism to 225, get AGM, and have 800 heavy runecloth bandages ready to waste in every arena. These tools benefit some classes much more so than others.

My classic example is a hunter v. shaman duel. Now just assume that both of them have 225 herb, agm, and unlimited bandages to use.

The hunter's only chance in winning is to burst the shaman down as fast as possible. He cannot hope to outlast the shaman. Not to mention, his pet will die soon and he cannot afford to keep healing it and keep the same dps output without going oom very fast. In short, the hunter must kill the shaman quickly or else he loses.

225 herb benefits the shaman much more than the hunter. This is because it forces the hunter to dps through even more HP. The lifeblood is useless to the hunter because it will not help him outlast the shaman. The hunter's enemy in this arena is his lack of sustainable dps, not his health points.

AGM benefits the shaman as well because it is yet another way to stop hunter DPS, causing the hunte to go OOM before he gets the shaman down. On the other hand, AGM is not useful to a hunter at all. In addition to the points I made earlier on lifeblood, the shaman can simply purge it off.

In short, the fight would be much more fair if 225 herb and AGM were not used by either side because the two are much more beneficial to shaman than it is to the hunter. With these two things on his side, there is no possible reason why a hunter should ever be able to beat a shaman. But without, it is a much more even-sided fight.
Rofan said:
Anything goes, stop being babies.

^How I play.

^A full BOA dranei shammy who abuses herb/naaru/stoneclaw against a non Boa, herbless UD priest, for 47 mins straight.

how you play^
Maelstrom said:
^A full BOA dranei shammy who abuses herb/naaru/stoneclaw against a non Boa, herbless UD priest, for 47 mins straight.

how you play^

Get BOA and herb then -.-
You have to accept that this is how it is, and how it is going to be if you don't like your class you can always make a new character :)
Eliot said:
You have to accept that this is how it is, and how it is going to be if you don't like your class you can always make a new character :)

*cough* leaving arena after I pop agm? Lolwut? *cough*
Twinkytoes said:
*cough* leaving arena after I pop agm? Lolwut? *cough*


No, but we set rules for that arena fight, thats why I left.
When I am messing around on my friends rogue I run into a lot of people without AGM/Herb, I will gladly duel them without it. I feel as though this stuff is just icing on the cake. From the little expirence I have in this bracket, compared to what I am used to at 80, there is a lot of crutching at 19.

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