Duels/Arenas - Peoples thoughts and perceptions.

Everything your character acquirers should be usable in duels without (including pots).

Arena should allow for elixirs/potions to be utilized.

Everyone has the equal opportunity to level first aid, choose class, spec, and professions. Wow is a game based on leveling and farming, and this aspect DOES influence the PvP portion of the game.
Everything should be usable in any situation, specially in this bracket. Without the use of bandage, agm and herb duels would be a 10second thing.

Everyone has first aid 225/225 anyways, the bandages are cheap and you can just farm some humanoids in EPL if you dont wanna buy them. I don't have AGM and I don't have herbing, but that is my problem and I have to deal with the fact that I was to lazy to get it. I can be very annoyed when someone else pops it, but I have to find a way to counter it, being it bandages, AGM or herbing.

Gourge-restealth-bandage-whatever is not fighting cowardly. It's fighting smart trying to figure out how you can turn the fight and play on your terms. If I can't counter what they are doing, they're smart. I wish you could use potions in skirmish arena, just to make them last longer.

Popping cooldowns (sprint, evasion etc) should be allowed at any time also.

Imagine it being a RL fight. If you had the oppertunity to instant heal every wound and fight back with renewed strength, would you do it? Or rather die because it would be cowardly to do so.
Lithdk said:
Everything should be usable in any situation, specially in this bracket. Without the use of bandage, agm and herb duels would be a 10second thing.

Everyone has first aid 225/225 anyways, the bandages are cheap and you can just farm some humanoids in EPL if you dont wanna buy them. I don't have AGM and I don't have herbing, but that is my problem and I have to deal with the fact that I was to lazy to get it. I can be very annoyed when someone else pops it, but I have to find a way to counter it, being it bandages, AGM or herbing.

Gourge-restealth-bandage-whatever is not fighting cowardly. It's fighting smart trying to figure out how you can turn the fight and play on your terms. If I can't counter what they are doing, they're smart. I wish you could use potions in skirmish arena, just to make them last longer.

Popping cooldowns (sprint, evasion etc) should be allowed at any time also.

Imagine it being a RL fight. If you had the oppertunity to instant heal every wound and fight back with renewed strength, would you do it? Or rather die because it would be cowardly to do so.

what kind of a fairy tail world do you live in? its like saying in a fist fight you would pick up a bat and beat the crap out of someone if you could. lawl.
Diiesel said:
what kind of a fairy tail world do you live in? its like saying in a fist fight you would pick up a bat and beat the crap out of someone if you could. lawl.

in a life or death situation im pretty sure i would
Having only read the first page. I was in a duel the other day and I used Lay on hands. I was called a cheater after I won. Do you think it is wrong to use a class cooldown in a duel?

Pallies are gimped in arenas because they can't use Lay on hands, have no ranged attack (please give me back hand of reckoning), and one 3 second stun.

When I duel someone I don't use lifeblood or agm unless they do (and I never state rules before the fight) if a rogue wants to gouge kite me and bandage, agm, lifeblood all day that's fine. I have a lot of respect for the people that stand and fight though.

Also is it cheating on a mage if you sheep someone out of the combat zone to make them lose?
Having read the second two pages it sounds like pallies should be able to use LoH in arenas right?
Zerô Skill said:
in a life or death situation im pretty sure i would

i hardly doubt a fist fight is a life and death situation. Ive faught enough people to know that none of them are dead, and ive never had a single person pick up something in a heads up squab. Thats off track though, back on topic. I dislike consumables, and a bandage is a consumable in my book.
I know all servers are different but before every duel I ask what CDs are allowed and what not, but IMO all CDs can be used, I took time to farm/buy bandages, am I not allowed to use them? Everyone can get FA 225, it isn't cheating or an exploit, I have had people say I cheated (mainly hunters) because I used sprint. If you arnt happy about it, roll a rogue. If your not exploiting and everyone else can get it, why shouldit not be allowed.Everyone can farm an agm, everyone can get herbing 225 everyone can pop a potion.
  • Runecloth Bandages are OP
- Undermines the value of healing classes. It puts classes such as warriors and rogues on completely even pedestals as Priests/Paladins/Shaman. It benefits classes with more damage reduction (see: warriors) than cloth classes such as mages or priests. 2k hp on a warrior is worth more than 2k hp on a mage/priest.

  • Lifeblood is OP
- Undermines the value of healing, and destroys any class's chance to win an arena if they are dependent on burst (see hunter v. shaman duels)

  • AGM is OP
- It works to the advantage of classes that have purge/dispel.

Now good luck trying to get people to arena you without any of these. It's not going to happen.
I'm actually fairly content with the balance of things. Obviously some classes have advantages over others, but if you think about it it's pretty remarkable that things aren't more unbalanced than they are.

Druids got shafted in duels, that's true. Hunters and Shamans are inherently stronger. Deal with it - play your best. Anyone can beat anyone.

Lifeblood really is 'OP' for melee vs a healer. Bandages are a big advantage for melee players, true.

But you should, instead of complaining and pitching a fit over it like many do, learn to play around it; not every situation in life will be advantageous to you. Isn't it fun to try and challenge yourself?

Just my .02
If someone tells you not to use Lifeblood in a duel or arena's its the same as telling them to take off their goggles, not using their +9 crit, or 7 stam. They chose their profs.

And everyone has the opportunity to get AGM, but if they don't have one i usually don't use it against them in duels.
I know at 80 when rogues duel my priest a lot of times i play bad ones that start losing, throw a CD and then run away and regen to full and do this infinitely.. I of course drink in between. But quite a few times they get back to me while I am low on mana and thus almost win... that can get quite annoying. I am fine with you running to get health back but dont abuse it tbh.
If you are losing arena due to others using AGM life blood bandage get them and than we can all be happy.
Painaid said:
  • Runecloth Bandages are OP
- Undermines the value of healing classes. It puts classes such as warriors and rogues on completely even pedestals as Priests/Paladins/Shaman. It benefits classes with more damage reduction (see: warriors) than cloth classes such as mages or priests. 2k hp on a warrior is worth more than 2k hp on a mage/priest.

  • Lifeblood is OP
- Undermines the value of healing, and destroys any class's chance to win an arena if they are dependent on burst (see hunter v. shaman duels)

  • AGM is OP
- It works to the advantage of classes that have purge/dispel.

Now good luck trying to get people to arena you without any of these. It's not going to happen.

Wow, someone who see's on my level. Surprising.

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