Duels/Arenas - Peoples thoughts and perceptions.

For a long length of time I played WSG almost exclusively, only doing arenas every now and then, and primarily dueling people outside Stormwind and Ironforge. Now that I have server transfered I find myself on a Battlegroup where the arenas are actually active and there is some skilled competition.

In the past, when I used to duel, there were some unwritten rogue duel rules which have changed a lot since the server transfer. The first thing I commonly noticed was cooldown popping. On my old server, it was perfectly acceptable to use all your cooldowns in a duel, including agm and herb, as long as both parties have it of course. On the new server, many people QQ about it. I have also noticed that while my old server was strongly against bandages in duels, this server is all for them, dragging the duels out sometimes even past the 10 minute mark.

While I believe there is some skill in the bandage timing, I really dont like them. I think, especially for some classes, bandages put one party at an extreame disadvantage. Take a Paladin for example which has no long ranged way to stop a bandage. Although however, the reason may be due to the last game I played having healkits, that were considered heavily frowned upon.

Now that I got some of my thoughts out of the way, I will give people a chance to say what they think. I hold everyones opinion valuable, and while some people might flame or QQ about YOUR beliefs, I encourage you to post exactly what you think about things.

Do you think CD popping is ok? Do you feel bandages should be removed from Arenas? Should people run around just out of range to regen mana while it appears they are beaten badly? These are just some questions I want people to touch on.

Your thoughs?
Hamcake said:
Please don't remove bandages from arenas... the skillcap is pathetically low as it is.

Fresh twink, no Insginia yet, gouged, bandages to full, no counter.

Insignia on CD from first fight, HOJ, bandages to full, no counter.

Not saying that I would remove them, but can you see how in some situations they are extreamely unfair. Why not allow health pots in arena, is it not a consumable also?

Edit: Btw, Im just trying to stir this discussion up a bit.
I only allow CLASS cooldowns, meaning, sprint / evasion for rogues and ect... I think AGM and Herb just make it too unfair.

On the contrary, I believe bandages should be allowed, it's a way to regain control of the arena, making them long and fun :D
Simply put, paladins are at a disadvantage in arenas, its just something you have to be okay with or reroll another class that can do better. Not saying we're terrible, we do decent..but wont be all-stars at duels by any means.
Lutraphobia said:
Simply put, paladins are at a disadvantage in arenas, its just something you have to be okay with or reroll another class that can do better. Not saying we're terrible, we do decent..but wont be all-stars at duels by any means.

Why should anyone be at a disadvantage coming into an arena, isnt that the point of fighting 1v1, to test skillset, not heavily favor someone before the gates even open?
Twinkytoes said:
I only allow CLASS cooldowns, meaning, sprint / evasion for rogues and ect... I think AGM and Herb just make it too unfair.

I believe bandages should be allowed, it's a way to regain control of the arena

So, basically saying its a crutch that people need to gain control? If you screw up and are about to lose due to your skill, you just find a way to get off a bandage and put odds in your favor.
Well let's look at it like this. In 1v1, if your a twink that has half a brain, you have bandages on you at all times. So if your opponent bandages, ideally you should be able to bandage as well.

Now, you mentioned that it's unfair because if you didn't have a trinket ect... Well let me tell you this, most rogues will make them trinket early just for the reason, to bandage late in the game. It makes it more fun imo, you could turn the whole game around in 5 seconds. It's what makes a rogue skilled. Considering they are pretty weak against hunters and shamans and whatnot, if they know how to manage the game through cooldowns, bandages, and timing, I think that should be used.

Now pots should not be used because unlike bandages, you can pop is whenever and still have the same effect, you don't have to be skilled what-so-ever to pop a potion.

Heres the difference, only good twinks have the finesse to use a good bandage, all twinks can pot. This is the main difference.
Twinkytoes said:
Well let's look at it like this. In 1v1, if your a twink that has half a brain, you have bandages on you at all times. So if your opponent bandages, ideally you should be able to bandage as well.

Now, you mentioned that it's unfair because if you didn't have a trinket ect... Well let me tell you this, most rogues will make them trinket early just for the reason, to bandage late in the game. It makes it more fun imo, you could turn the whole game around in 5 seconds. It's what makes a rogue skilled. Considering they are pretty weak against hunters and shamans and whatnot, if they know how to manage the game through cooldowns, bandages, and timing, I think that should be used.

Now pots should not be used because unlike bandages, you can pop is whenever and still have the same effect, you don't have to be skilled what-so-ever to pop a potion.

Heres the difference, only good twinks have the finesse to use a good bandage, all twinks can pot. This is the main difference.

I would hardly word it finesse, click a button and u get full bar back, dispite letting someone get the sap/opener on you, being down to zero health, and you have been totally given a second chance which you dont deserve because of your lack of skill
/disagree. I would hardly call it lack of skill when I rogue get an opener. He's stealthed, you can't do much about it. Give you a second chance to fight back. But with DoTs such as Garrote and whatnot, it makes it more fun, more active, you have to be on your toes.
Twinkytoes said:
/disagree. I would hardly call it lack of skill when I rogue get an opener. He's stealthed, you can't do much about it. Give you a second chance to fight back. But with DoTs such as Garrote and whatnot, it makes it more fun, more active, you have to be on your toes.

Do you feel you could still win if they were removed from arenas? How much harder would you have to work for the wins? Do you think it would even classes out a little better then it would favor the ones with long stuns or cc?
I do think I could still win. But it would give a HUGE upper hand to classes like Hunters and Shamans that have great ranged attacks.
Twinkytoes said:
I do think I could still win. But it would give a HUGE upper hand to classes like Hunters and Shamans that have great ranged attacks.

With removing herbing from arenas also, a rogue could easily beat a hunter or shaman just with gouge, sprint, and evasion.
Twinkytoes said:
If the hunter and shaman are retarded yes.

I've beat plenty of good hunters do the the fact they are in falcon gear and are glass cannons. They just dont have the hp to live through the burst.
well diiesel we have this arguement frequently so im sure you know my opinion, but ill put out my opinion to all reading this.

I think stalling when at a disadvantage is perfectly viable and if the enemy cant counter it then why not do it? If you're using cooldowns you're already announcing that its an anything goes duel. When we duel you prefer face up duels where i don't run to restealth, however if i'm hurt badly and need to get away or ill lose, i'm going to do it, you have to learn how to handle that and prevent it, because its perfectly fair.

your arguement was "well i popped AGM so do i just wait for it to come back up?" well you could, or you could pop agm at a better time. its not just about stalling for cooldowns, but also knowing when to pop cooldowns.
Twinkytoes said:
I only allow CLASS cooldowns, meaning, sprint / evasion for rogues and ect... I think AGM and Herb just make it too unfair.

On the contrary, I believe bandages should be allowed, it's a way to regain control of the arena, making them long and fun :D

I agree :D
Zerô Skill said:
its not just about stalling for cooldowns, but also knowing when to pop cooldowns.

Yeah, the point I was trying to make is if we both just ran the entire time, I could technically draw our a duel for hours if I wanted to, all I would have to do is gouge you every time dr was up and go stealth and regen to full in hiding.

btw: i had just dueled outlast prior to dueling you, when you gouged bandaged to full, my trinket wasnt even up. -.-
Diiesel said:
Why should anyone be at a disadvantage coming into an arena, isnt that the point of fighting 1v1, to test skillset, not heavily favor someone before the gates even open?

because the game isnt based around 1v1(especially at the 19 bracket) and no, its not always a test of skillset, some classes counter others.

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