1st post. I'm new to TI and I rolled on Draka. I doubt I have it in me to grind out the the gear on an active F2P server. I do see alot of the F2P guys posting here in the bgs. I had a P2P account that I let lapse in April.
Alliance toon - Theteh @ Draka - Community - World of Warcraft
Horde toon - Haelth @ Draka - Community - World of Warcraft
I'm working on a shammy because I hate purge as a priest. I need to L2P other classes.
Alliance toon - Theteh @ Draka - Community - World of Warcraft
Horde toon - Haelth @ Draka - Community - World of Warcraft
I'm working on a shammy because I hate purge as a priest. I need to L2P other classes.