Druids, help me out, please.


Hello, I'm a rookie twink and I want to make another twink, a 19 druid.

I'm thinking of making it a Tauren and on Draenor EU, the problem is that I can't fund it that well...

So what you can help me with is tell me what should I do differently, so here are just ideas...


Herbalism 240 ((Will be hard to get, granted, but it's a must have.))

Engineering 150 ((Will get the mats with a miner, this is for bombs / gadgets and most of all, tons of [ITEM]Minor Recombobulator[/ITEM]

First Aid... 225? ((till I can use the heavy runecloth ones, I guess...))


Helmet - [ITEM]Lucky Fishing Hat[/ITEM] ((Just spend some time fishing...))

Neck - [ITEM]Voice Amplification Modulator[/ITEM], if it turns out to be too hard to get [ITEM]Thick Bronze Necklace[/ITEM]

Back - [ITEM]Battle Healer's Cloak[/ITEM] 19 one...

Chest - [ITEM]Inferno Robe[/ITEM] got to get someone to help me with the quest.

Bracers - [ITEM]Crystalline Cuffs[/ITEM]

Hands - [ITEM]Gold-flecked Gloves[/ITEM]

Waist - [ITEM]Girdle of the Blindwatcher[/ITEM]

Legs - [ITEM]Smelting Pants[/ITEM]

Boots - [ITEM]Spidersilk Boots[/ITEM] , got to throw some money for this...

Rings - [ITEM]Advisor's Ring[/ITEM] 18 version, [ITEM]Seal of Sylvanas[/ITEM]

Trinkets - [ITEM]Arena Grand Master[/ITEM] tho it's impossible for me to get... and [ITEM]Minor Recombobulator[/ITEM]

Weapons -

[ITEM]Advisor's Gnarled Staff[/ITEM] (again 19 one)

[ITEM]Crescent Staff[/ITEM]

Spec - 7/0/3

Glyphs -

Minor - [ITEM]Glyph of the Wild[/ITEM]

Major - Got to make a huge choice now, between:

a) [ITEM]Glyph of Regrowth[/ITEM] if someone is taking heavy damage and I use it before the HoT wears off.

b)[ITEM]Glyph of Rejuvenation[/ITEM] more heals when it's more needed, right?

c) [ITEM]Glyph of Rapid Rejuvenation[/ITEM] Sounds good...

Don't think I'd take the Healing touch one...

Enchants -

Back - +5 resistances all or +15 nature, then I'd have 25 against nature which is nice but...?

Chest - +6 all stats

Wrist/gloves - 16 spellpower

Boots - 7 stamina

Weapons - 22int on Crescent Staff and 30 spellpower on the PvP one, i think.

basically, I should have around 1k health, 1k mana and around 70 spellpower ((with int staff)) and is that about the average?


EDIT: Any consumables that would come in handy? ((other than Rumsey Rum Black Label and Engineering stuff?))

Sorry if the first post/thread is a massive fail, I don't understand much here...
Yeah, I watched that guide all over, got the options there, but it recommends things,

I'd like the opinions of people who know...
Ok bud,

You need to make a decision about what type of druid you want, or at least what gear sets. If you have that exact gear with enchants you will have about 1500hp in bear and not have great heals, you need to build either a flag carrier set with heavy stam, a healer set with int/spellpower, or both.

Being somewhere in between as a druid will be meen a quick death either way.
Hattted said:

Herbalism 240 ((Will be hard to get, granted, but it's a must have.))


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvBsIDh1LiM]YouTube - How To Level Herb/Mining and Skinning Effortless FAST AND EASY - Tutorial [HD][/ame]

Get skinning and herb, get herb to 240 by doing as above and dump skinning, then lvl engi. Not so hard;)
Right then, you seem to have gotten the point, but you have made a few gear choice errors.

Voice amplification mod isnt too great, you wont be interupted that much as a druid, since most of your castable spells are 1.5secs long (roots, hibernate etc) and 10% on most of the silences in the bracket is pretty short, 10% of 2 secs is pretty short.

Also for a resto druid smelting pants are a big nono, use Darkweave Breeches or 5/5 eagle legs.

You should be using Twisted Chanter Staff (22int) Staff of the Blessed Seer (30sp) and Staff of the Friar (20spirit) not the staves listed.

Glyph of regrowth just doesnt cut it, and you shoudnt be rolling with enough haste to make rapid rejuv worth it. Stick with glyph of rejuv.

If you want the mp5 from your staff you should take the mp5 wrist enchant and use staff of the seer instead.

Use nature resist on cape and use either Tumulous cape of the Sorcerer/Elder or spidersilk drape

I personally dislike 6stats on chest, 150hp or 7mp5 will give you more overall stats.

1k mana is far far too low, 70 sp is alittle low but fine to use with, 1khp is fine.

Your spec is viable but not optimal. If you want more mana to play with spec full resto and put points in natural shapeshifter and imp motw to boost your mana, and natures focus and subtlety. I wouldnt really advise going for moonglow(although it is an absolutely fabulous talent) unless you intend to take starlight wrath and dps whilst healing. Genesis is a crap talent, it just adds too little.

Sorry if it seems like im being overly critical, im not, youuve done a good job.

Also if you have any sugestions on where the druid guide is a little bit hazy, unclear or whatever i would love to hear them.
Thanks for the comments, /agree, Glyph of Reju is the way to go...

Also I'll be having 1,2k HP, 1,6k mana and 80 spell power unbuffed, if I get the gear I want...

About talents, I guess I'll make the char and then see how much I will really use HoTs, Healing touch and how much they get dispelled.

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