@ Drayner and Petition

Natron said:
Basically that, yea.

Make it so that 450 skill only gives the skill rank for your level. A 450 twink would still have 450 skill, but would only have rank 3 of Toughness/Master of Anatomy/Lifeblood, same as a new twink that can't train above 225 skill.

I have a 450/450 twink, but at least if they implement this change, I could still smelt Titansteel but I wouldn't have any grandfathered advantage over new twinks.

this would be extremely gay for ppl with 450....y dont they just take the cap off...then everyone is even and has an op buff...

and in response to me being in the minority, i think most ppl who have 450 would like to see profs ungrandfathered (like me) but dont wana lose their hard work (like me)...if they have a brain im pretty sure theyd take the "removal of lvl req" over anything else...i know a few ppl would be willing to sacrifice their profs for the good of twinking, but if they could save it without losing their hard work im sure they would opt for that
I totally disagree with removing the grandfathering of buffs. Blizzard's current solution works fine. Twinks that have them will gradually be retired as accounts are canceled and people move on to new games. In a year if there's one or two twinks that still have them who cares (that is, besides the effeminate chronic complainers)? There will be other oversights on blizzards part later on that you will be able to get, provided you are lucky and put in the effort.

For you people complaining about fairness, if you want an actual fair game you should be petitioning blizzard to give every twink class the exact same green set of armor with no blues allowed. Oh wait, what's that, it won't be fun? Why? Because you enjoy working hard to achieve better gear that gives you an advantage? Oh yeah that's right this is a gear based game about RARE items and abilities that GIVE CERTAIN PLAYERS AN ADVANTAGE UNAVAILABLE TO OTHER PLAYERS. That's the whole point of WoW PvP. If you want a totally fair game based entirely on skill go play a FPS because a RPG will never ever be about skill and will always be determined by class and gear and most especially about that uber OP gear that's a one in a million chance to drop and isn't available for everyone.

Please go play a FPS and don't ruin WoW. Thx.

P.S. nerf the turtle mount because I don't have one it's not fair Waaaaaah.

P.P.S oh yeah and nerf the pendulum of doom because it's the rarest item in the game and i can't get one and its not fair Waaaaaah

And nerf hotshot pilot gloves, and baron's mount, and old school PvP titles, and the old warbears, and every legendary item ever made, and BoA items cuz it's not fair for new twinks either and 35+ chants and and and...

*If you are offended by the tone of this post I'm very sorry that you are so easily offended.
There is a profound difference between rare and unobtainable. I am all for rare items. If someone cares enough to get it, they can (by server transfer if necessary). Anyone can get a Pendulum of Doom. No one can get grandfathered buffs/items.
Natron said:
There is a profound difference between rare and unobtainable. I am all for rare items. If someone cares enough to get it, they can (by server transfer if necessary). Anyone can get a Pendulum of Doom. No one can get grandfathered buffs/items.

I agree, even the old school naxx enchants are still gettable If you wanna pay.
There is a profound difference between rare and unobtainable. I am all for rare items. If someone cares enough to get it, they can (by server transfer if necessary). Anyone can get a Pendulum of Doom. No one can get grandfathered buffs/items.

If you want to bring RL cash into the equation (via server transfers) then the grandfathered buff is also available to anyone by simply purchasing an account that has it.
gibbet said:
If you want to bring RL cash into the equation (via server transfers) then the grandfathered buff is also available to anyone by simply purchasing an account that has it.

If you are alright with breaking the TOS. I personally am fine with paying Blizzard real cash to transfer for an item. Not so much with breaking the TOS to buy an account.
If you are alright with breaking the TOS. I personally am fine with paying Blizzard real cash to transfer for an item. Not so much with breaking the TOS to buy an account.

There is a profound difference between against the ToS and unobtainable.
gibbet said:
There is a profound difference between against the ToS and unobtainable.

Ooh, lets all speed/teleport hack while we're at it!

I'm done with you. Let's let this thread get back on topic.
It's ridiculous to compare purchasing an account with teleporting and speed hacking. One is illegal in most countries as unauthorized access to a computer system and faces real jail time and is considered completely unacceptable by most players. The other is, to put it as I've seen it before, "purchasing the time and effort put into a character," and just seems kind of silly to most users. Kind of like transferring to a different server for an item.

As far as the topic of the thread, you were the one who went off on a tangent about server transfers.

Back on topic. Much like server transfers for items, petitioning to change grandfathered buffs is just plain ridiculous.
petitioning to change grandfathered ANYTHING in the game isn't that rediculous.

you can either

-keep it grandfathered

-allow all players to get it

-make all players that have it give it up

-or a mixture of these

and please - don't make this an emotional battle...we're having an intelligent discussion, respect other posters
you can either

-keep it grandfathered

-allow all players to get it

-make all players that have it give it up

-or a mixture of these

Or keep it how it is currently.

Please don't exclude options you don't agree with. We're having an intelligent discussion and excluding options you don't agree with just makes it an emotional discussion.
I reread what you posted. I'm very glad that you are elevating the discourse in this thread to include the possibility of keeping it how it is. I was too hasty in my post and am leaving my previous post unedited as a reminder to myself to listen more to others.

That said

IMO they need to either A) restor all 450 profs back to that level of the character, 19 150, 29 225, etc. or B) just get rid of the buffs. I really don't care for them, on top of that.

Yes all the new twinks can't get it, but neither can all the old twinks that have been less than 1 bar of exp away from leveling, personally I never cared for these prof buffs to begin with. but leaving the fact that some will have 450 while others won't is ridiclous.

Almost as bad as BoA gear IMO, twinking required time, knowledge, etc...now any one with an 80 can just buy all the gear from doing 80 heroics. While I dont mind competetion, ive been seeing way to many skillless twinks that think they will roll over every one.
gibbet said:
I totally disagree with removing the grandfathering of buffs. Blizzard's current solution works fine. Twinks that have them will gradually be retired as accounts are canceled and people move on to new games. In a year if there's one or two twinks that still have them who cares (that is, besides the effeminate chronic complainers)? There will be other oversights on blizzards part later on that you will be able to get, provided you are lucky and put in the effort.

For you people complaining about fairness, if you want an actual fair game you should be petitioning blizzard to give every twink class the exact same green set of armor with no blues allowed. Oh wait, what's that, it won't be fun? Why? Because you enjoy working hard to achieve better gear that gives you an advantage? Oh yeah that's right this is a gear based game about RARE items and abilities that GIVE CERTAIN PLAYERS AN ADVANTAGE UNAVAILABLE TO OTHER PLAYERS. That's the whole point of WoW PvP. If you want a totally fair game based entirely on skill go play a FPS because a RPG will never ever be about skill and will always be determined by class and gear and most especially about that uber OP gear that's a one in a million chance to drop and isn't available for everyone.

Please go play a FPS and don't ruin WoW. Thx.

P.S. nerf the turtle mount because I don't have one it's not fair Waaaaaah.

P.P.S oh yeah and nerf the pendulum of doom because it's the rarest item in the game and i can't get one and its not fair Waaaaaah

And nerf hotshot pilot gloves, and baron's mount, and old school PvP titles, and the old warbears, and every legendary item ever made, and BoA items cuz it's not fair for new twinks either and 35+ chants and and and...

*If you are offended by the tone of this post I'm very sorry that you are so easily offended.

i love u...

4 real tho good post....i totally fucking agree...

if i made a new twink this very second, i wouldnt be able to get profs, but id still have boa shoulders w/ 30 stam/15 resil and id get grandfathered into that...theres always something new and op u can get ur twink into with the right timing

a year down the road, very few ppl with have profs and there will be many more mistake by blizzard like the 30/15 inscriptions that ppl can get

theres no need to petition blizzard because the only fair way to fix it is to remove the lvl req and that wont even make the situation much better

Blizzard will not give a shit about a twink petition signed by anything less than like 100000 people, we should just learn some acceptance and wait until this blows over. In a couples months we'll all have something new and op.
Naturaltalnt said:
IMO they need to either A) restor all 450 profs back to that level of the character, 19 150, 29 225, etc. or B) just get rid of the buffs. I really don't care for them, on top of that.

Yes all the new twinks can't get it, but neither can all the old twinks that have been less than 1 bar of exp away from leveling, personally I never cared for these prof buffs to begin with. but leaving the fact that some will have 450 while others won't is ridiclous.

ok, doing either of ur ideas is retarded....if u have the buffs, ditch them urself...if u dont well then i see why ur arguing but see it from others point of view

if i worked hard for 450 profs and they get deleveled/removed i will flip a fucking shit and demand that i get the hours (and they were numerous) back in my life...which obviously cant be done so im just screwed out of my time...stealing them from ppl who werent lazy (yes i know, ppl had excuses...but imo a majority were just lazy) is just plain wrong...its not how the real world works...ppl need to get off fantasy island and understand that ppl do have the opportunity to get ahead in life (or wow) and that if you were too busy or lazy, u cant just have ppl fix it for u all the time

Almost as bad as BoA gear IMO, twinking required time, knowledge, etc...now any one with an 80 can just buy all the gear from doing 80 heroics. While I dont mind competetion, ive been seeing way to many skillless twinks that think they will roll over every one.

this is just the dumbest think ive ever heard....boa gear isnt even that effective...they removed the ZG and are probably working on removing glad inscriptions....so naxx enchants are better again

anyway, even if u got free shoulders, ALL of the other gear besides shoulders and maybe a trinket required the same amount of time, effort, dedication....i dont know how getting a pair of shoulders (which takes 40 heroics, so its not free) is so bad for twinking

to be the best twink u can b at this point u had to have the dedication and effort to fish, get AGM, pvp for ur trinket, do all ur normal runs, buy enchants (which are becoming increasingly rare), and pickup rare stuff like naxx

i really dont understand how boa have ruining the dedication/effort of twinking...and if ur saying profs have, think again because nothing defines dedication and effort more than putting in 10+ hours of ur time to lvl profs
I don't have the professions, and while I did help 3 guildies get skinning, I told them I disagreed with there methods at every chance I got. I also don't get BoA, could I? yes i have 4 80s.

I find it funny you two and others are defending this so hard core, everything you have said got fixxed, so IMO they are just over sights, they got fixxed, therefor they weren't ment to be done on a level 29..your really just lucky Blizzard doesn't take away every thing not ment to be gotten.

As for seeing how hard it is to get, are you joking?? like I said I have multi 80s, each with their own 2 professions. All professions require is a bit of time, and if your trying to avoid exp....a warlock with 2 friends.

As for enchants becoming hard to get, why don't you work for that? I have my warlock enchanter since the orginal days of wow with almost every enchant I need, and I know 2 friends between them they have almost every enchant. Go work towards that...now that a 80 can pretty much solo any old world content.
Tetox said:
i love u...

4 real tho good post....i totally fucking agree...

Oh yeah that's right this is a gear based game about RARE items and abilities that GIVE CERTAIN PLAYERS AN ADVANTAGE UNAVAILABLE TO OTHER PLAYERS. That's the whole point of WoW PvP. If you want a totally fair game based entirely on skill go play a FPS because a RPG will never ever be about skill and will always be determined by class and gear and most especially about that uber OP gear that's a one in a million chance to drop and isn't available for everyone.

do you agree with this? i know i don't.

i play twinks to be on the same level as everyone else. that's the point Iplay them anyways.

if i wanted it to be unfair, i would Q with as many people as i can and roll pugs. but i don't. i hate those games. i like it when there are twinks vs twinks, and the game lasts for hours, because it's a balanced and fair game.

you can't do the same thing at 80, there are too many honor farmers. plus i hate all the IWIN buttons and CC there. but that's just my opinion.
I agree, twinking when i started was just pvp on a simpler level. Whats great about 19 is every one doesn't have 15 different ways to heal, damage, aoe, and do everything else like 80's do now.

Maybe its just me but when I get in a game where we outmatch the other team so bad they can barely do anything it's just boring...

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