@ Drayner and Petition

Druiddroid said:
i play twinks to be on the same level as everyone else. that's the point Iplay them anyways.

This is also one of the main reason I play twinks. Other than when Blizzard screws up and accidentally adds new things that twinks can obtain, or intentionally do so (BoA gear), there is a Static Gear-cap. Level 80 PvP has a more frequently moving gear cap, with each new arena season or raid dungeon releasing new items you need to earn.

This means when you perfect your twink, you no longer have to work to keep up with new gear. When one's ability to acquire gear is no longer the defining factor of success in PvP, skill becomes that factor.

For years, twinking had a very static gear-cap. Burning Crusade raised it slightly with pant enchants, but other than exploits had very little other effect on 19 twinks. Then Wrath came out and has hit us with numerous increases to that cap, most of which are obviously Blizzard oversights. Based on the last few patches, it looks like without more concern for twinks on Blizzard's part, the static gear-cap is a thing of the past.

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