@ Drayner and Petition

I believe we should start a petition against the gathering professions, it is simply not fair for it to be grandfathered. I think you should start a petition on the front page and post the petition everywhere on every site, for the future of twinks. If we are able to have enough people sign, it possibly can change something.
Petitions, petitions. To my knowledge, Blizzard has never cared for twinks, never will. A petition against grandfathering of the professions would also be against those players who had the ability and enthusiasm to get their professions to 450 (no, I myself did not. I do think it is a bit unfair, but this isn't exactly fair to them either).

If you want to make a petition, go for rated arena at certain levels! I'm sure that's also been done, but more effort should be into that one!

And I'm ready to take in the flaming now,

Meshell said:
who had the ability and enthusiasm

And greed, seeing as these professions do nothing for the bracket except make it less fun. If nobody got them, that would have been a better scenario.
Docterfred said:
I signed the petition. For the sake of future twinks, everyone should sign!

i would like to sign this petition but frankly the three options for blizzard are retarded

the only option should be:

1.) Remove the level requirement and optionally scale the buffs to level. (Aka a 19 with 450 herb gets a better hot than a guy with 150, but it is scaled to 19 proportions.)

Under this proposal, twinks with 450 professions will not be punished for their dedication. If my professions get removed or scaled so that they are the same as 150 professions, I will be extremely angry. That is clearly as unfair as grandfathering them.
Tetox said:
If my professions get removed or scaled so that they are the same as 150 professions, I will be extremely angry. That is clearly as unfair as grandfathering them.

why is it unfair? what about those twinks who put in all the work to get enti's, and now they can't use it.

In return for your hard work you got to have some fun being one of the best in the BG. (and yes I, and people I know had professions, so I'm not just saying that cause I wouldn't lose out.)

another argument i don't like is that people who didn't level professions don't deserve it because they were lazy.... Ever stop and think maybe they just don't have hours on end to run around picking flowers?
it really is unfortunate that some people could not max out gathering professions, for whatever reason (time, money, friends, experience, etc) but at least with uncapped professions you had the option of getting there; the POSSIBILITY, of getting there.

Given how blizzard has shown no indication of willingness to fix certain grandfathered issues (naxx shoulders, etc) even when reported to GMs, I can't guess at the likelyhood of this removal, but I would bet money that it's high. Very soon I'm going to lose my 2000hp lifeblood, perhaps even before I ever get a chance to use it in a BG.

any sense yet on what the viability/timeframe of the twink private server idea that was tossed around the other day?
Anther thing to think about:

A friend of mine has a 10 twink with nearly 70% crit unbuffed (most of this comes from skinning at 450, buffed after the patch)

with rallying cry of the dragonslayer and some other buffs he could probably hit 100% to crit. This brings us back to the days of twinks that were un-hittable because of dodge.
Under this proposal, twinks with 450 professions will not be punished for their dedication. If my professions get removed or scaled so that they are the same as 150 professions, I will be extremely angry. That is clearly as unfair as grandfathering them.

Highhealz said:
why is it unfair? what about those twinks who put in all the work to get enti's, and now they can't use it.

In return for your hard work you got to have some fun being one of the best in the BG. (and yes I, and people I know had professions, so I'm not just saying that cause I wouldn't lose out.)

well, a compromise could be ungrandfathering professions and letting everyone get them. enti's was just bugged, the professions are more of fair game. but really anything that is grandfathered should not exist in the game...either make it available to all, or make it available to none.

another argument i don't like is that people who didn't level professions don't deserve it because they were lazy.... Ever stop and think maybe they just don't have hours on end to run around picking flowers?

there are plenty of reasons.

1. no help from others

2. lazy

3. RL issues

4. not enough exp to discover

5. too new twink (after the grandfathering)

6. (mining only) had 700 hp from mining and figured it was best

Anther thing to think about:

A friend of mine has a 10 twink with nearly 70% crit unbuffed (most of this comes from skinning at 450, buffed after the patch)

with rallying cry of the dragonslayer and some other buffs he could probably hit 100% to crit. This brings us back to the days of twinks that were un-hittable because of dodge.

well it takes him buffs to get 100% crit; i saw twinks without buffs and with 100% dodge before that fix.

plus 100% dodge meant you were unhittable if you knew to keep your front towards the target. 100% crit just means you'll be doing around 1.5x more damage than everyone else...and you're level 10...so your dps really isn't imba.
Highhealz said:
why is it unfair? what about those twinks who put in all the work to get enti's, and now they can't use it.

In return for your hard work you got to have some fun being one of the best in the BG. (and yes I, and people I know had professions, so I'm not just saying that cause I wouldn't lose out.)

another argument i don't like is that people who didn't level professions don't deserve it because they were lazy.... Ever stop and think maybe they just don't have hours on end to run around picking flowers?

why is it unfair to have prof taken from ppl with 450? well maybe if u used ur brain, u would realize that i had to spend hours of my life doing something mind numbingly boring to get 450s and now a bunch of whiners want them taken away

i dont think people that didnt level their profs are lazy, but i dont wana be punished because i take advantage where others dont...is that wrong?

i understand ppl have rl stuff and they have a right to b a little pissed, but they did have a chance to lvl....im especially mad at all the lazy fucking nubs who hung at 225 mining up to the patch (with plenty of time/warning to lvl) and are now qqing

if u had an excuse to not level profs....then go ahead and complain...otherwise stfu because ur lazy

i would love to see profs fixed....but not at the cost of my advantage...go ahead and let everyone have 450s, hell blizzard can even scale them down to proportion...just dont take my hard work from me cuz u were too busy or lazy (most likely lazy, no offense)

edit: additionally i would like to say i 100% agree with druiddroid...theres alot of reasons not to have 450s and grandfathering is unfair...my only point is this: please dont fuck up my hard work b/c u were lazy/ignorant

and yes i know there are other reasons for not having 450..but almost all fall under lazy/ignorant
Tetox said:
why is it unfair to have prof taken from ppl with 450? well maybe if u used ur brain, u would realize that i had to spend hours of my life doing something mind numbingly boring to get 450s and now a bunch of whiners want them taken away

Thanks drayner, yeah i meant another petition now that the patch is actually released.

I would give up my buffs in a heartbeat to level the playing field again. It pisses me off. Blizzard is so careless. Why the fuck would they even take away the level gathering requirement in the first place?
Tetox said:
why is it unfair to have prof taken from ppl with 450? well maybe if u used ur brain, u would realize that i had to spend hours of my life doing something mind numbingly boring to get 450s and now a bunch of whiners want them taken away

i dont think people that didnt level their profs are lazy, but i dont wana be punished because i take advantage where others dont...is that wrong?
it's not wrong at all, but neither is having enti's and doing 200+ rend ticks. i mean would you have the same attitude if you could have a profession that gave you the ability to kill everyone on the battlefield every 15 seconds?

i understand ppl have rl stuff and they have a right to b a little pissed, but they did have a chance to lvl....im especially mad at all the lazy fucking nubs who hung at 225 mining up to the patch (with plenty of time/warning to lvl) and are now qqing
well people with 225 mining had the best before the patch, so it was logical for twinks to have.

if u had an excuse to not level profs....then go ahead and complain...otherwise stfu because ur lazy
well, many people are complaining, and HAVE the buffs. the playingfield at 19 is so uneven, and most twinks hate to have the profession buffs in a bracket with an already low dps to hp ratio

don't assume everyone bitching about this issue is lazy. it's a really bad tone to take and you're going to get alot of backlash.
Druiddroid said:
don't assume everyone bitching about this issue is lazy. it's a really bad tone to take and you're going to get alot of backlash.

Thank you for saying this, it's similar to what I was trying to get at with the last part of my first post. I just don't like how people assume that your are lazy if you didn't get the buffs (or complain at all).

why is it unfair to have prof taken from ppl with 450? well maybe if u used ur brain, u would realize that i had to spend hours of my life doing something mind numbingly boring to get 450s and now a bunch of whiners want them taken away

i dont think people that didnt level their profs are lazy, but i dont wana be punished because i take advantage where others dont...is that wrong?

The point I was trying to make was there were plenty of twinks who found a similar lapse in blizzards design that let them do something that was unintended. But, they had it removed not "if your character already has enti's he can still use it." I would imagine the uproar would be greater if not at least equal to what it is now had other issues been grandfathered.
ok, i feel like im beind misunderstood here

i recognize that ppl have rl shit and couldnt lvl profs and also that 225 was the best before the patch

and secondly i would also like to ungrandfather profs...i just wana protect my interests in that i want the lvl req to be removed...not have the actual move nerfed...

all im trying to say in this post is this:

make the petition ask blizzard to remove the requirement...dont give them the option of taking the buff...i worked hard for it and so did others

when i say something along the lines of ppl being lazy whiners what im saying is this:

ppl knew the patch was coming and had PLENTY of time to hit 350 (for final training) and get grandfathered so if they didnt get it (and had no good reason, such as work/rl shit) then imo they are lazy/undedicated and cant complain...if u disagree fine, but i just dont want qqers who had ample time ruining it for me...and my opinion doesnt change the logical fact that doing anything but removing the lvl req is unfair

think about it: u remove the lvl req whos angry? nobody....u grandfather it and everyone who doesnt have it is pissed...u remove buffs and the ppl who worked hard are pissed...it just makes the most sense

the best solution is one that makes the most ppl happy...
Tetox said:
ok, i feel like im beind misunderstood here

i recognize that ppl have rl shit and couldnt lvl profs and also that 225 was the best before the patch

and secondly i would also like to ungrandfather profs...i just wana protect my interests in that i want the lvl req to be removed...not have the actual move nerfed...

all im trying to say in this post is this:

make the petition ask blizzard to remove the requirement...dont give them the option of taking the buff...i worked hard for it and so did others
yes we do realize that it would be a huge bummer that you worked hard for the buffs. there have been other changes that did the same thing though...

like when people spent literally months of playing a toon over 20 hours a day (usually when the person slept another person would take over) just for rank 14. then they changed the system so that really good gear was easily attainable.

then you have enti's. some people spent a good portion of gold on those. now they're worthless.

some people leveled inscription up for the offhands (i forget which one). now it's useless due to the last patch.

there was the patch not too long ago where people were using i think darkmoone faire cards or something and getting equipment with imba stats, and then enchanting them with mongoose or w/e. then blizzard removed those.

i'm not saying it's right, i'm just saying blizzard really doesn't care that much. they have ungrandfathered many things, and in the way that you don't want them to.

when i say something along the lines of ppl being lazy whiners what im saying is this:

ppl knew the patch was coming and had PLENTY of time to hit 350 (for final training) and get grandfathered so if they didnt get it (and had no good reason, such as work/rl shit) then imo they are lazy/undedicated and cant complain...if u disagree fine, but i just dont want qqers who had ample time ruining it for me...and my opinion doesnt change the logical fact that doing anything but removing the lvl req is unfair

think about it: u remove the lvl req whos angry? nobody....u grandfather it and everyone who doesnt have it is pissed...u remove buffs and the ppl who worked hard are pissed...it just makes the most sense
i realize that there are lazy people out there. but they look the same as the people who kept 225 mining or had RL issues or w/e other crap that happened. there's just not much of a way to prove that people were lazy or not.

the best solution is one that makes the most ppl happy...

it's difficult to tell which solution will make the most ppl happy, but honestly from what some people WITH the 450 buffs are saying, i'm afraid you might be the minority.

i hope you enjoy the time while you do have your profession buffs, god only knows if they'll last.
I feel the best solution would be capping the buffs based on level, but leaving the skill. Taking away actual hard earned skill points would frustrate people far too much, and would also impact some non-twinks.

At least if they cap the buffs I can level that character to a new bracket later and get the new ranks without re-leveling the prof.
Natron said:
I feel the best solution would be capping the buffs based on level, but leaving the skill. Taking away actual hard earned skill points would frustrate people far too much, and would also impact some non-twinks.

At least if they cap the buffs I can level that character to a new bracket later and get the new ranks without re-leveling the prof.

perhaps this would work

but then at the same time, 450 players would get gimped severely

i don't have a true grasp on this what you're saying. let me give an example of what i think you're saying.

say for example, herbalism at 19 can heal for a maximum of 300 health. so then any rank that heals for under 300 health will stay the same, and any rank above that will heal (or be capped at) 300 health?
Druiddroid said:
perhaps this would work

but then at the same time, 450 players would get gimped severely

i don't have a true grasp on this what you're saying. let me give an example of what i think you're saying.

say for example, herbalism at 19 can heal for a maximum of 300 health. so then any rank that heals for under 300 health will stay the same, and any rank above that will heal (or be capped at) 300 health?

Basically that, yea.

Make it so that 450 skill only gives the skill rank for your level. A 450 twink would still have 450 skill, but would only have rank 3 of Toughness/Master of Anatomy/Lifeblood, same as a new twink that can't train above 225 skill.

I have a 450/450 twink, but at least if they implement this change, I could still smelt Titansteel but I wouldn't have any grandfathered advantage over new twinks.

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