Drayner - 20 P2P Lock w/ F2P restrictions


So, I decided to give this a try. Worse case scenario, I throw the bad boy chants back on and hope scaling works out for me.

I wasn't going to be "Drayner" but I figured I would just be me and stop trying to hide. I wasn't going to post about it but I wanted to let the couple AP Horde people that were skeptical about whether it was the "real Drayner" or not know it's really me and because I have questions.

Drayner @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft

That's the toon. Like I said, it's a P2P character, but I am going with the F2P restrictions. He has 2x AGM, 2x Argas, and literally every non-grandfathered quest item from Alliance and Horde.

I am trying to figure out what works best for me on the hit right now.

Here are some questions I have:

  1. What is the hit rating for a 20 lock? Does my hit scale up in bgs like other stats? I have the hit staff if I need it too.
  2. Rate my toon! Give me some gear suggestions. Even though I am trying to work it out myself in bgs, I would love some input.
  3. I know I didn't sweat through the grind to get my toon where some of the real F2P toons are, but still... it's a toon. Besides the gear and trade skill limits, what else might I be missing to be restricted properly.
  4. Can F2P accounts see auction house? I know they can't use it, but wondering if they can see it.
  5. Can F2P account see trade chat?

Anyhow, thanks for looking. I hope this is as enjoyable as some of you tell me it is. :)
Looking great! And I don't only mean gear, very nice mog there. :)

You'll need 15 hit to be hitcapped after scaling in BGs, so I'd also use GSoJ.
I see more people using Thick Bronze Necklace nowadays, scales to 4 stam, but really up to preference.

Nice to see more people give 20 a try, hope it treats you well! :D
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Hit rating for spells @ 20 is 15 (pre BG scaling).
And gratz on bloodthirsty sucka!

Worst $15 spent ever. It's hideous.

Hit rating for spells @ 20 is 15 (pre BG scaling).

Thanks man. Looking forward to playing a game or two with you soon. I have that addon installed now too.

Looking great! And I don't only mean gear, very nice mog there. :)

You'll need 15 hit to be hitcapped after scaling in BGs, so I'd also use GSoJ.
I see more people using Thick Bronze Necklace nowadays, scales to 4 stam, but really up to preference.

Nice to see more people give 20 a try, hope it treats you well! :D

I have the neck, so it scales better?

1) Just get the hit staff. And always use the insignia trinket. rune of perfection+trinket.. 2 min trinkets really help compared to 5 min ones, back then in might have made sense to go AGM/whatever but 2 minute trinket is just too good now
3)Dual argas rings, some purists would frown but its a 2 int difference.....horde also has stillwaters signet/garroshs pardon
4)Yes they can see it
5)Yes but characters above lvl 29 cannot see what you type

Thanks man! I appreciate the tips and the conversation we had via PMs.

hurrrm you could try hovel diggers bands, slippers of unturned loyalties, dread pirate ring, and spidersilk drape, although this isnt strictly f2p its usable by lvl 20's and wont make a big difference only helping you to hit cap whilst being able to use whatever trinket combo u desire :)
hope this helps
unscaled you lose 3 stam, 14 inta, 3 spirit and 4 haste and gain 13 hit and 5 crit.

I do have all those items, well except spidersilk drape. Since I am p2p, that shouldn't be an issue. Thanks!
Although its all down to preference, harvest life is ok but you should try out dark regeneration. Also unless you are runnin a premade or have a healer you should use tyranny, it increases your healthpool, thus increasing health gained from dark regen and healthstone. Make a Macro that pops tyranny> dark regen> healthstone and you're good.

Copy my gear y0
You aren't following f2p restrictions though.

A) Why do you say that?
B) Refer to question 3 in my original post.

3. I know I didn't sweat through the grind to get my toon where some of the real F2P toons are, but still... it's a toon. Besides the gear and trade skill limits, what else might I be missing to be restricted properly.

I have never had a F2P account, so I am not sure about all that is entailed. I can assure you that I am trying to adhere to the guidelines. I am on my 2nd day and I am learning what I can or can't do.'

EDIT: Anyone can ask #Neon and #R Prime if I am trying (and stressing to a degree) to make sure to be as close to F2P as I can.
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A) Why do you say that?
B) Refer to question 3 in my original post.

I have never had a F2P account, so I am not sure about all that is entailed. I can assure you that I am trying to adhere to the guidelines. I am on my 2nd day and I am learning what I can or can't do.'

EDIT: Anyone can ask #Neon and #R Prime if I am trying (and stressing to a degree) to make sure to be as close to F2P as I can.

You state you have dual Argas and both faction quest gear, yet your title says f2p restrictions. That is going BEYOND what a f2p is able to do. I think a little clarity from you is needed, not me. Do you intend to use that gear? If not why even discuss it? If you are, why the misleading title?

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You state you have dual Argas and both faction quest gear, yet your title says f2p restrictions. That is going BEYOND what a f2p is able to do. I think a little clarity from you is needed, not me. Do you intend to use that gear? If not why even discuss it? If you are, why the misleading title?

Dual argas is possible by F2P according to several I have spoken with. Now if I was misled in that, I will totally cease using both.

Again, as I stated before, I am still learning what they can/can't use and totally plan to adhere to those guidelines. I will also say that my goal is to adhere to these guidelines only in Arena/WSG/AB --- not in dungeons, which I won't be doing really since I have all I need now.

A little input from the F2P community on the matter of cross faction gear would be nice.

EDIT: You are correct.

  • Starter Edition licenses are not eligible for value added services (character transfers, faction changes, etc.)

Just found this.

That said, I will no longer use dual argas.
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PS. That's what this thread is all about btw... Thanks for all the info and input.
I don't see anything non-f2p about him unless you are crying over his two argas rings. ( which is pretty silly imo.)
DPR and spidersilk should fix the hit problem, or DPR and hovel diggers if anyone wants to whine about you using an item for the sake of convenience since you're on a

2: using primarily f2p restrictions

If you want to try something interesting I'm still trying to find someone willing to make a pimped out fully enchanted 24 (for pummel) fury warrior.
If you want to try something interesting I'm still trying to find someone willing to make a pimped out fully enchanted 24 (for pummel) fury warrior.

I have all the BoA to do that and a level 10 bank alt that happens to be a warrior. Along side this 20 thing, I am doing a 10-24 Hunter XP on experiment. Perhaps after that, I can do the same with warrior. I have extra stendals on the same server.

As for the Spidersilk and hovel(which I have), I am going to pass on them since they are not within the guidelines. I have 24 locks on both sides, so no need making this one "Guidelineless". Solo queuing has proved rough, but I feel pretty good about this lock with a group of other 20s.

I am going to drop the argas and use either BoA ring or stillwater. I will have armory updated tonight after midnight CST.

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