If I go human, will i still be viable with only 1 AGM?
Think of the humans' racials as an added ability that other races do not have.
Human Racial = Every Man for Himself
Every Man For Himself = Ability that's essentially an improved Insignia and doesn't take a gear slot
Improved Insignia = Free Trinket Slot
So, in terms of a 19 human twink, you get an insignia with a shorter cooldown, which means you also have an extra trinket slot.
All in all, Human Racials = Improved Insignia and Extra Trinket Slot.
You'll definitely be viable with only 1 AGM, for there are characters of other races without the bonus of an extra trinket slot that do more than well enough. In actuality, you'll still be more "viable" with no trinket in your extra slot at all due to the fact that you aren't missing anything other races have but do have an improved insignia. You won't have lost anything, but will have gained a faster insignia (by being human).
After establishing that the slot freed by the human racial is a bonus, realize that the extra trinket slot can be used to help in whatever area you want to be stronger in and cannot make you any less viable than you would be without having the slot. Any item you equip in that slot will be of benefit to you. If you think you need more stamina, you could use a second AGM. If you're happy with your health pool, you can use a Swift Hand of Justice to help with haste and add a miniscule amount of situational survivability. If you want more intellect and a little bit of help with mana regeneration, by all means use Discerning Eye of the Beast. You could also find a way to use a second AGM but substitute other pieces of gear for different pieces which would give you less stamina and more of whatever stat you're searching for, ultimately allowing you to have a similar health pool but have more of a certain stat than non-humans. For example, if a non-human twink of some sort normally needed [Enchant Bracer - Superior Stamina] to have enough health, a human twink would be able to use a second AGM and use [Enchant Bracer - Greater Intellect] instead; resulting in seven intellect and three stamina more than any other non-human twink with comparable gear. Another example is that you could use Swift Hand of Justice in your extra slot and use enchant your gloves with spellpower instead of haste. You will have lost 3 haste, but gained 16 spellpower and a "miniscule amount of situational survivability". Human racials are great because they allow you to tweak your other gear a lot more in order to boost certain stats will retaining "viable" amounts of others. No matter what you do, being a human is an advantage as a 19 twink, and if you set everything up right and tweak hard enough, you'll be able to find great new combinations of gear/enchants that will set you even farther ahead of everyone else.
To summarize, humans' racials in twinking terms include an improved insignia ability and an extra trinket slot. Use that trinket slot in whatever way will benefit you most according to your other gear, play style, and stats and view the benefit as something extra that other races don't have, not something you won't be viable without.