
I'm wardman420 on twitch, I was in the same stream Mudkipz, I have pizza in the background while I play. Kancer gave me a compliment tonight and also ripped on my positioning ( rightfully so ). Take what he says and find where the advice is. Because it's in there, mixed around with all the mean names there is very good advice. He even rips on Pizza so don't take it personally. I'm sure playing so long he's seem some real trash players and doesn't quite have the same patience for people performing not to his standards. Toxic, maybe, but he wants to win and is passionate about 19s, both very good qualities.
I'm wardman420 on twitch, I was in the same stream Mudkipz, I have pizza in the background while I play. Kancer gave me a compliment tonight and also ripped on my positioning ( rightfully so ). Take what he says and find where the advice is. Because it's in there, mixed around with all the mean names there is very good advice. He even rips on Pizza so don't take it personally. I'm sure playing so long he's seem some real trash players and doesn't quite have the same patience for people performing not to his standards. Toxic, maybe, but he wants to win and is passionate about 19s, both very good qualities.

Like I said already, it's not the fact that he was harsh about my positioning and what not. there was NO ADVICE. It was simply "this guy is atrocious report him afk pizza" That's it. Just because you're passionate and want to win doesn't mean you should be a douchenozzle to everyone. Every time i see him playing with pizza all he does it complain about people. I don't care if hes good, or if hes been around for a long time. Hes still a dick.
Like I said already, it's not the fact that he was harsh about my positioning and what not. there was NO ADVICE. It was simply "this guy is atrocious report him afk pizza" That's it. Just because you're passionate and want to win doesn't mean you should be a douchenozzle to everyone. Every time i see him playing with pizza all he does it complain about people. I don't care if hes good, or if hes been around for a long time. Hes still a dick.
So basically you are upset about someone talking negatively about you in a private call that you happened to listen to on Pizza's stream? The complaining on this site gets more retarded by the day.

Jesus christ.
Whether you like it or not Kancer's WSG criticism is very helpful. It may not be expressed in the best tone or manner but that's just who is personally. Its not what you want to hear, but need to hear, in regards to actual criticism. No one likes being criticized for their mistakes especially while getting verbally insulted, but with Kancer you gotta have thick skin. Kancer calls me shit all the time when I mess up and even when I don't mess up, just who he is. Last nights stream, both Pizza and Kancer admitted they think they expect too much out of pug players which is tough especially when they are new in your case and don't know the meta. Its not your fault, and its hard not to take things to heart especially when you're new and everything is foreign to you. If you don't have a full geared toon, you should apply to GG19s for funding on the server, Bleeding Hollow. They will gladly hook you up with free shit if you take the time to fill out the application properly. Also I think there is a mentor thread on the 19s page, or somewhere on TI. They are experienced players who can help teach you your the ins and outs of your class that are crucial to playing your class effectively in WSG. Hope this helps '-'.
Yeah, Mudkipz I fuck up all the time and when I get people mad at me that I know are good players I always ask them what I can do and what I should have done, you just gotta bypass the name calling and what not. Even if they sound like a dick, they are helping you in ways that you can't even see. If they just shit on you, again ask why they are and what you can do to improve. It's a learning process that all of us are going through and have done before. You can always check out threads for guides or just ask a well known player of such class and spec.
Okay. Clearly none of you can read. There was no advice and nobody was helping with shit. It was just straight up disrespectful doucheyness. [MENTION=4377]Arkant[/MENTION] it wasn't a private call if it was on stream. Do you know the definition of private? Is it that hard of a concept? [MENTION=6858]Camocross[/MENTION] Thanks for the info. Been in the 19s for like 2 weeks. My toon is geared enough, not BiS but not wearing shit gear. I generally do fine, nothing spectactular. I just don't appreciate people openly shit talking for no reason. It was my last game of the night and i went mongo once or twice trying to kill efc. Still doesn't warrant the guy being ignorant.
A lot of people in this thread seem to be saying things like "it's criticism" "he's giving advice". But I don't think they know what those things are. I wouldn't care how harshly he put it, if it was actual criticism. Saying "they're fucking awful" about Living / Tapout when 1. They aren't there to hear that "criticism" and 2. Isn't actually saying what they are doing wrong or could do better, that's just shit talking like it or not. And then there's saying things like "he's purging my bubbles, what a padder" how the fuck does that make any sense? Is purging a priest bubble a bad thing (there was nothing more optimal for the player to do at the time). There was a lot more stupid gas and a lot more shit talking, sure there was some criticism, but this baseless shit talking with no ground to stand on is dumb af. And I just know someone is going to say I'm butthurt because he said something about me, he didn't say shit about me.
Let me give you some advice for 19s.

Take them seriously while at the same time having fun, don't make posts where you call out elder members of the bracket, and strive to improve.

If you don't like what people are saying just ignore them.

Being an elder member of of TI does not give you a Pass to be an asshole. These people wanted to kick a new twink because he was not playing the way they wanted him to. What kind of BULLSH!T is that? This is EXACTLY why I do not associate with these kinds of twinks. And exactly why TI and twinking in general has taken a downhill spiral.
Not too long ago Pizza himself confessed to saying he was not "proud" of the things he has done in the past. You you all lapped it up like little naive kittens. Now this crap comes up. And you people defend him. If you people only knew half of the sh!t he has pulled in the past you all not have your collective noses up his a$$ all the time.

A lot of people in this thread seem to be saying things like "it's criticism" "he's giving advice". But I don't think they know what those things are. I wouldn't care how harshly he put it, if it was actual criticism. Saying "they're fucking awful" about Living / Tapout when 1. They aren't there to hear that "criticism" and 2. Isn't actually saying what they are doing wrong or could do better, that's just shit talking like it or not. And then there's saying things like "he's purging my bubbles, what a padder" how the fuck does that make any sense? Is purging a priest bubble a bad thing (there was nothing more optimal for the player to do at the time). There was a lot more stupid gas and a lot more shit talking, sure there was some criticism, but this baseless shit talking with no ground to stand on is dumb af. And I just know someone is going to say I'm butthurt because he said something about me, he didn't say shit about me.

That's exactly my point. I want to improve, I strive to get better and be one of the top players. But when it's simply just straight flat out name calling / shit talking it does me no good and annoys the shit out of me. If you're gonna be a dick at least be like "you're fucking bad you should've done this that and the other" so i know for the next time. Idk man, just frustrating as hell sometimes.

It is an @ thread. This one actually needs to be seen and read. It is an @ thread about the whole damn 19's bracket. I have been in many BGs and been told to /afk someone out and refused to do so. I WILL NOT let a few players ruin or rule the game for many just for their own pleasure. And neither should all of you. That is not right. Don't kneel to peer pressure!

Arkant it wasn't a private call if it was on stream. Do you know the definition of private? Is it that hard of a concept?
You weren't in that call, you weren't part of the conversation. They were having a conversation and just because Pizza was streaming doesn't mean that everyone in his call has to sugar-coat everything they say. If someone talking negatively about you is too much for you to handle then mute the stream or turn it off entirely.

I would understand you creating this thread if Kancer was harassing you directly through whispers or /bg chat but he obviously didn't do that.
You know I think the criticism that people are speaking on is really valuable, guys this is 19s we've always been a little roudy, I KNOW that pizza has been going out of his way to be a role model in the best way he knows how, and cancers advise can help even seasoned players improved, they are both passionate twinks and sometimes in the heat of battle a passionate twink says something mean, I think it's the nature of the beast in a lot of way, this is the internet afterall, and we all know cancer will insult you one minute, then give you advise another. What he does on pizzas stream is something I think is highly valuable to any twink and in the end they should both be thanked for their service.
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Whether you like it or not Kancer's WSG criticism is very helpful. It may not be expressed in the best tone or manner but that's just who is personally. Its not what you want to hear, but need to hear, in regards to actual criticism. No one likes being criticized for their mistakes especially while getting verbally insulted, but with Kancer you gotta have thick skin. Kancer calls me shit all the time when I mess up and even when I don't mess up, just who he is. Last nights stream, both Pizza and Kancer admitted they think they expect too much out of pug players which is tough especially when they are new in your case and don't know the meta. Its not your fault, and its hard not to take things to heart especially when you're new and everything is foreign to you. If you don't have a full geared toon, you should apply to GG19s for funding on the server, Bleeding Hollow. They will gladly hook you up with free shit if you take the time to fill out the application properly. Also I think there is a mentor thread on the 19s page, or somewhere on TI. They are experienced players who can help teach you your the ins and outs of your class that are crucial to playing your class effectively in WSG. Hope this helps '-'.

I can't believe you all are defending them.
They are publicly humiliating someone. Watch HB's stream and you not see any display of public humiliation there. I believe you people would feel differently if it was you that were the target. Who knows, you may have been one before and never even knew it.

You weren't in that call, you weren't part of the conversation. They were having a conversation and just because Pizza was streaming doesn't mean that everyone in his call has to sugar-coat everything they say. If someone talking negatively about you is too much for you to handle then mute the stream or turn it off entirely.

I would understand you creating this thread if Kancer was harassing you directly through whispers or /bg chat but he obviously didn't do that.

Once again, the call was not PRIVATE. The call was streamed for everyone to hear and be a part of. It's not that I can't handle it, it's just ignorant and a douche thing. and it's not just him. It's a number of people in the bracket, pizza included, that just bash on people in pugs like a bunch of highschoolers.
You know I think the criticism that people are speaking on is really valuable, guys this is 19s we've always been a little roudy, I KNOW that pizza has been going out of his way to be a role model in the best way he knows how, and cancers advise can help even seasoned players improved, they are both passionate twinks and sometimes in the heat of battle a passionate twink says something mean, I think it's the nature of the beast in a lot of way, this is the internet afterall, and we all know cancer will insult you one minute, then give you advise another. What he does on pizzas stream is something I think is highly valuable to any twink and in the end they should both be thanked for their service.

I agree that advice would help basically anyone in the bracket. My point was he wasn't giving advice, just bitching and then trying to get people to afk report me out of the Bg because i went mongo once or twice. Doing that doesn't help anybody improve, it just makes them not want to play in the bracket.
You weren't in that call, you weren't part of the conversation. They were having a conversation and just because Pizza was streaming doesn't mean that everyone in his call has to sugar-coat everything they say. If someone talking negatively about you is too much for you to handle then mute the stream or turn it off entirely.

I would understand you creating this thread if Kancer was harassing you directly through whispers or /bg chat but he obviously didn't do that.

But since it is public, it does/should call for a little decorum. This parallel to cyberbullying.

I agree that advice would help basically anyone in the bracket. My point was he wasn't giving advice, just bitching and then trying to get people to afk report me out of the Bg because i went mongo once or twice. Doing that doesn't help anybody improve, it just makes them not want to play in the bracket.

Perhaps he thought you were trying to throw the game, if what the man does is give criticism what is he too think when someone just goes all in?

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