Double Feral strongest comp in 2's?


So me and a friend (He was F2P Feral and me P2P Arms Warrior) did maybe 25-30 skrims last night and went on a huge winning streak.
We beat every single comp we faced EXCEPT Double Feral wich we faced twice. Their opener is ridicolous and if they get the 1,5k ferocious bite crit you're basically dead :(

So what do you people think? Which is the strongest 2v2 comp?
Ferals have a good opener and drop off pretty fast after that since their sustained damage isn't great.

Feral/Rogue is better than double feral for the kick/sap.

Its kind of Rock/Paper/Scissors though. I could see a tanky comp like Rshaman/Ret doing well against that. Or Rshaman/Spriest for the double healing value.
I would argue a BM and rogue could give you a run for your money

Edit: Could give double ferals a run for the money
Rogue/X both decent can counter double feral. I've lost no game as Rogue/WW Monk vs Double Feral. I reckon tho.. all ferals i've met were total retards in my POV.
Double Rdruid > Double Feral

Mage counters every warrior comp.

Hunter counters every Mage comp.


in a world in which ppl have atleast 2 braincells, warrior/heal will rape frostmage/x simply because a healer with 2 or more braincells wont get ccd every time..

but again, not in the US
in a world in which ppl have atleast 2 braincells, warrior/heal will rape frostmage/x simply because a healer with 2 or more braincells wont get ccd every time..
but again, not in the US
If the warrior pillars every time I fish up a FoF proc or for 2 minutes after a CC is landed, I'd rather not even play the match.
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You also lost to 20 Fury/20 RShaman.

Belf/tauren arms+tauren RShaman prob best allround 2s around but def not unbeatable.

Arm's resto is a stupid strong 2's comp, that said several comps can beat it.

The problem with 2's is that a lot of them are decided before the gates drop, even when its all 29's, that's why I like 3's, outside of stupid comps like double and triple stealth there are very few hard counters.
Arm's resto is a stupid strong 2's comp, that said several comps can beat it.

The problem with 2's is that a lot of them are decided before the gates drop, even when its all 29's, that's why I like 3's, outside of stupid comps like double and triple stealth there are very few hard counters.

Thats why EU 29 dont queue 3s. We face random f2p like 90% of the time sadly.
Double WW, just stun and if they survive run away and heal and stun again winwinwin.
Hahha was it this two heroes? (screen form yday)


Warlock best anti-feral <3
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in a world in which ppl have atleast 2 braincells, warrior/heal will rape frostmage/x simply because a healer with 2 or more braincells wont get ccd every time..

but again, not in the US

If the mage is paired with any class that puts out decent pressure, which basically any of them at the moment, the priest is going to be forced to eat a CS at minimum which is all it takes to land a kill at 29s.

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