US Don't play alliance this bracket


It is bad really bad, Just play horde ally are a joke bunch of leveler trash it's just not fun. If you want fun roll horde.
The bracket is pretty bad right now, it's sad.

It was so good when it came out too. Templates were gone, everything felt viable and it was a blast. There was Fury but that was it really.

Then came the Arcanes, Marks, and Booms. And then people realized healers are unkillable and do top dps. And the 29s started to pick up. Games are just a blow out, there's no competition. It's boring no matter what side you are on.

I wish they'd give f2p it's own bracket; it would be a lot better without enchants.
Horde has always dominated brackets in number of twinks since the merging of battlegroups. I actually liked playing alliance because it's more of a challenge. Alliance was the solo Q faction for a lot of the 24 days.
PVP on Stormrage is pretty balanced. It goes Ally for a while then Horde.
This would easily be the best bracket in twinking. Hands down.

Yea we’d see if the „29s are the REAL players of this bracket, we were here first and free players just make games worse” crowd would survive. I mean, when the brackets were 20-24 & 25-29, 29s were really thriving, right? Right?
Alliance seems perfectly fine... if you want to get invites... 1) be good at your job, if you join premades and you do terrible DPS or you heal badly... guess what... people remember you and don't invite you.

There are only a few ultimate try hard Horde premades that actually stand out. And really they are only good when they stack the high end burst comps... focusing fire with Balance Druids and Hunters... its not the players is just the comps. Most horde players that have high records only que broken comps to keep their records, which whatever... who gives a shit about that.

The main problem with the Alliance is that Alliance "leveling trash" is always way less geared and the players are also more "new"... even if you 5 man most of the time you team is 3 real twinks... 2 guys who are ok... then 5 people wearing whites and missing gear slots that can't even pull off 1k dps... that is not true of the horde.
Been playing alliance with some friends lately and we've had a lot of fun and competitive games against horde premades. If you have fun steamrolling then carry on.

Yea we’d see if the „29s are the REAL players of this bracket, we were here first and free players just make games worse” crowd would survive. I mean, when the brackets were 20-24 & 25-29, 29s were really thriving, right? Right?

Some of us have 29s that were made before the f2p bracket was even around believe it or not and we don’t need to cater to anyone. F2ps arent the only ones in this bracket with nostalgia towards their toons.
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Also... there are way more alliance twinks than actually use XPOFF channel. So you have to friend the right people. sometimes XPOFF channel will make it look like there are 2 guys on... when actually there are enough alliance twinks to field 5 or more premades.

Don't use that channel as a judge of alliance twink health in the bracket... completely misleading.
Yea we’d see if the „29s are the REAL players of this bracket, we were here first and free players just make games worse” crowd would survive. I mean, when the brackets were 20-24 & 25-29, 29s were really thriving, right? Right?

Yep, they should give you your own bracket... Not 60,70,80,90,100s. Just the welfare crew o_O

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