Don't Let US 19s Die


boomer shaman
We have always bounced back through previous patches and changes. When things were bad, very different, low numbers, whatever it was.

People haven't been queueing on their 19s because there hasn't been many pops, but that is not an active way to go about things. We need people to log on at peak times, and get in that queue. Message your friends to get in queue, etc.

All we need is to get the ball rolling. Moving to EU isn't a great idea, unless you enjoy waking up at 6am for games.

I know many of you have spent lots of time and gold, even real life money into these characters of yours. So show me what you got. Show me what the 19 bracket is made of, and lets bring back the community we have built for the majority of a decade.

Wrong, it's the other way around. More like 9-10am. Not a solution for anyone with an even remotely normal daily schedule.
It's tough with 24's being as active as they are. It's times like this we need a miracle. God save us.
let em die, even if they did pop the games are such shit quality itd be such a waste of time
wait 20 min to an hour for shit games or wait 1-5 min for shit games...... 24>19 move on
danny glover said:
This game is just what you make of it.

Fixed that for you.

In the case of 19s, the majority of the players have insisted on making the game quality below the standards of people who have standards, and as such, have seen a dramatic decline of activity.

If you want activity to increase, you have to make games better. No one is going to spend their free time waiting in queues just to sit through 20 minute GY farms and one sided steamrolls.

We could just queue for XP on games if we wanted that.
19 premades in the xp on bracket sounds fun tbh.

que with a solid 5min grp with an fc and just steamroll the levelers for 20minutes. just like back in the old days
You know it is bad when willix is the guy discussing 19s. Guy plays some arenas with australians and a bunch of clickers at 29 and suddenly it is place to be.

Yeah, but he made it the place to be dude...
This game is just too old and boring.

Your posts are too old and boring. Danny, when was the last time you said anything worth any value in any post you ever made? Seriously, you're like Twinkinfo's old grumpy curmudgeon uncle who lives in deep, deep, resentment of his past. Eat that chip off your shoulder and move on dude. It's getting old.
I agree with ko, the quality of games and class mechanics is horrendous. I've always been against f2p smashing in 24s but it seems like a better bracket at this point.

who knows, maybe the next x-pac will make 19s fun again
Honestly I have been so busy with irl and cleaning up after the animals to even log on to do my Blingtron Daily....... Hopefully the apes calm down so I can get in game.... But honestly

Don't worry because all it takes is a few people who want to make it happen for it to happen. I may not be queuing within the next few days, but shortly I will be hopefully along with 3-5 other friends.... All we need is patience and dedication.
New content makes things slow for a while. Also, people will only take so much GY farming from the bracket bullies before they stop queing. More players have been run out of the bracket by the BS play style of those people, then anything else that has affected the bracket in the last several years. Congrats, they won 19s WSG. Nobody wants to play with them anymore.
Your posts are too old and boring. Danny, when was the last time you said anything worth any value in any post you ever made? Seriously, you're like Twinkinfo's old grumpy curmudgeon uncle who lives in deep, deep, resentment of his past. Eat that chip off your shoulder and move on dude. It's getting old.

Why would you take criticism against this game so personally? Pretty embarrassing.
19s wont die!
let em die, even if they did pop the games are such shit quality itd be such a waste of time
wait 20 min to an hour for shit games or wait 1-5 min for shit games...... 24>19 move on

ROFL in the same breath as you decry the shit games, you say 24>19...

24s is the shittiest quality games to ever be called a 'twink' bracket, ever, by far. If anybody playing 24s actually cared about 'quality games', there would be no bracket.
Welcome all to 24s


It's weird u guys don't get games just need 10 of each side out of 3 continents.

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