<Dominate> Classic Guild

so are you all in the game now? servers? factions? etc? or just slinging poop at eachother and not even prepared?
looking forward to seeing a lot of old names in the 10-19 Gulch again.

if half the people are as serious about it as they post here, games will be unreal!

10man? Lol what
[doublepost=1576169293,1576169200][/doublepost]I don't even have enchants yet.... played 2 games yesterday with Gabie.... idk who u guys played but it wasn't our "10 man" fuckn trolls smh
yes 10 people from Dominate, qued together and got into a BG against SeR and lost 3/0? fairly straight forward.

and ya some guys in our guild need Enchants / Librams still. me included. the move up for WSG release date rly fucked my planning.

Anywho I got SS if you need it. but talk with Freeze im sure he can fill you in.
Sounds like a random pug group game to me lol thats 100% different than a premade.. but rock that badge of honor. Glad we could make your year with that game....lolol
We had a random group of 10 on opening night. Missing most Librams and Enchants as well. 1 Priest. No Shaman. Congratulations on beating a prepared Freezaholic and 9 other unprepared Dominate members. I got a lot of enjoyment out of that WSG due to playing with Scooters on private servers. GG guys <3 Good to see you, cant wait to have some more.
We are doing both. But went Horde first. Our A team is nowhere near ready on Horde. Bunch of old busy fathers lol. We will eventually be up and going on both sides.
I am on horde side :) maybe we can be teammates :) what server you guys on?
your right @Anarcan, and I never said premade. I said 10 people Quing under ur Gtag. take that as you may.

im not rocking anything, just clarifying for you when you reply "ok bud" condescendingly at the post in which hired says y all lost a 10 man. and its true? once again, fairly straight forward.

Looking forward to playing some organized 10v10s in the future.

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