Mejt you were close on target, I was ranged casting, efc gone down, you failed returning and another gaylliance picked it up. You failed and has nothing to do with me playing my druid at all. That is just you trying without even knowing me and how I even play trying to place me in a bad light with your butt buddies, the circle jerk gang!
I'll forget this nonsense for now.. but I am glad I am not like you, I play this game for fun, and you must be so mad at people wanting to play this game for fun. Whenever I meet you, or Arty for that matter, I will just play like a fuktard just to make you rage which sounds hell a lot of fun.
Keep up the good work mejt by putting me on this list without even explaining or giving any reason. I like this new word I learned today too "mejt". Thank you Nicozy had some good laughter irl.
Good night dog rogue.