like you and your shitty inet connectionwaste of space and your keyboard's lifespan Anarchism
like you and your shitty inet connectionwaste of space and your keyboard's lifespan Anarchism
Barely one week of pop's
This bracket will be dead in a week with all winloggers etc. We have a lot of ' veterans ' playing on ferals and rogues just gy farming players rofl. A lot of stuff to capitalize but not difficult to do.
Racial banning is never going to happen, but racials will not be the reason of determining an outcome of a game against a top tier competitive team although having the racials does help for sure. Simply good positioning alone mitigates the effectiveness of horde racials.
What? They've been going for a lot longer now
Everyone wants to play 19s, but everyone is too good for the bracket, so they have to let their feelings be known here for acknowledgementThe current drama on xpoff is not a reflection of ingame bgs lol. You can have plenty of games w/o any problems. Some ppl get salty at some point or about certain people just like in every other bracket/game or whatever. A funny sidenote is that mostly the ones who claim mature behavior for themselfs and call out others are the ones who bring the drama into this forum.
Bgs are still popping btw and has been since 2 pm as far as I know
sputnick dodges after losing 3-0 blames on racial gg life xooxoxxo qt blaze it TL>AOO you're all dog quack is lord bye
you say that but them you stop qing for the fact of racial that kinda kills it if we had ally toons sure we would of logged them but not qing for the sake of the racial is just gonna kill it all happening like i understand it can have a effect we didnt QQ when you ran triple druid but ye lets just get some more premades going i enjoyed them.
I understand your point of view. We shouldn't have made it out of proportion and I also understand that running a triple comp wasn't fair, but we asked in advance if it was OK since we had no other viable option. Nature knew that the team was composed of quality players that regardless of what comp they were against they would give a show (which everyone saw on the games, they were very enjoyable to watch).
Me and Nature took it upon ourselves to try and organize these practice games every Friday starting from 17:00 server-time. If possible, we would also like it for someone to stream it (@Blackout would be ideal), but I assume he would also like to participate as a player occasionally, so other people streaming and commenting would be good when he takes the role as a player.
But the most important thing is trying to keep the games drama-free. I care very much for most of the players who we fought against, since some of them I did premades with and I have a good relationship with nearly all of the people who participated. Some others, not so much. But hey, if there's a 'Dog List' on EU and it seems like I'm in it, maybe there will be a 'blacklist' for the war-games as well. There's enough people for the war-games, so we can do without the toxicity of some players.
The concept of that would be great, however that could never happen due to the fact that tracking every single player for the use of their racials is near impossible and both factions racials would be banned in an attempt of this. Of course you cannot rely on good faith of people for things like this, especially in a competitive scenario. One could argue about banning certain jumps etc and that is a rule that can be reinforced thoroughly as it is far easier to notice if people are doing them. Racial banning is never going to happen, but racials will not be the reason of determining an outcome of a game against a top tier competitive team although having the racials does help for sure. Simply good positioning alone mitigates the effectiveness of horde racials.