Does World Boss Loot Really Scale in Chromie Time?


Anyone managed to down any of the MoP world bosses in chromie time? The loot table shows 202 ilvl for Salyis's Warband ...compared to the 178ilvl warforged stuff on my 49 it would be quite the improvement. I know you can't usually get into normal raids while in chromie time but if we could get a few folks interested these world bosses seem doable.
Anyone managed to down any of the MoP world bosses in chromie time? The loot table shows 202 ilvl for Salyis's Warband ...compared to the 178ilvl warforged stuff on my 49 it would be quite the improvement. I know you can't usually get into normal raids while in chromie time but if we could get a few folks interested these world bosses seem doable. View attachment 22342
I doubt it, doomwalker and lord kazzak in tbc zones didn’t scale. Wod never dropped any. Cata ones didn’t scale. I will 100% confirm later though.
I hate to link that dude's guide again because I feel like I should get some money for it, but:
And regarding the gear item level:
Just a tooltip error it seems, though I haven't downed any MoP bosses so far so I have to take his word for it.
I remembered right, TheHorror confirmed it's just a tooltip bug.

I can confirm we have a good sample data now bosses do scale (even some BFA bosses will scale down) but loot do not it is a tooltip error.

And word of warning for 49 - if at some point you decide transition to 50 there it some technicalities. As Horde you can currently unlock Essences, Legendary Cloak, Horrific Visions and Najzatar the only thing that you cant unlock is World Quest (outside of Nazjatar) those now require lvl 60 if you did not unlocked them earlier.

For the Alliance you currently CAN NOT unlock Essences, Legendary Cloak, Horrific Visions and Najzatar unless they were unlocked beforehand - the case is unknow but supposedly Blizzard tried to transfer all quests to lvl 60 cap but "forgot" Horde side.

This data was collected from 2 Alliance (Pala and Rogue) and 2 Horde (Pala and DH) characters.

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