INC Seizure
Didn't even scare me because I didn't look until you told me that. Thanks
INC Seizure
So I can't post to help other people out? Okay I see thats cool. I wouldnt consider doing bgs to get looms on my 24,twinking really. I see that your 11 year oldself has to tell your little buddy Noraan everything I say or do. Thats cool man. Hope you guys have fun on your dates.
Atleast I have one.
Heh, good one. It's not like these 2 other people I hang out with everyday are my friends or anything. Anyways im not going to turn this into a flame thread. You guys arent worth it.
Interesting. This, however, does not make or break the bracket. It will certainly keep up interest though. Ownedcore.comYay, thanks for this