Do you think 5.0.4 ruined the 10-14 bracket?

lol actually it did, so take your butthurt comments elsewhere
I'm hopeful that moving forward in MoP that this bracket (and others) will unite more than ever in getting consistent games. Sure, it's going to take a little work but it will be more entertaining and healthy for the twink community as a whole. 29s, 39s, and 49s are pulling it off so why can't this bracket? There's a solid population. My only fear is that many of the people in this bracket only got in it to utilize the exploit. If that's the case (as I suspect it is), then I hope the bracket evolves and ultimately flourishes. GL in MoP 10-14s! If you need some promotion of your bracket let me know and I'd be glad to help in any way I can.

The level of ignorance shown from some people in this thread is too danm high..
Some of us actually made our twinks when the bracket was 10-19.. You wouldnt know, since you obviously didnt twink back then or maybe you didnt even play back then..
With the xp-on/off implemation, we (10-14) lost our whole PVP scene, and a lot of people leveled to other twinking brackets, or simply just deleted their twinks.
Then we learned about a bug, which would make us able to pvp again, which was great since a lot of us hadnt played our twinks for a long period of time or we had just been stuck soloing high level content..
Not everyone farm, i for one rarely farmed when i played, mostly i just ran around in bgs doing achivements from WSG/AB master.
Yes, some people just make twinks and sit constantly using the Xploit to gain honorkills.. But they really dont make much of a difference from a group of maybe 2-3 people with full heirloom spending maybe 100g on enchants each..
So shut your ugly mouths before putting the whole community into one box..

~Sincerely me (and prob some other people aswell)
In my opinion, for my twink, 10s is ruined. My warrior gets wrecked by a minimum boa'd disc priest or any other healing class that has somewhat mobility. IM hoping for a small change in maybe the resilience amount @ this bracket cuz its just insane.

secondly, this is specially targetted to Inkobah.
I played exp on BG's with exp off yesterday. I DID NOT find this exploit. My friends friend did, and the technique is only known by ppl from BoF (hoping to keep it that way).

But even in exp on, my BiS 10 warrior gets roflstomped by a semi naked Disc priest that hits 250 penance ticks (750 burst).
I played exp on BG's with exp off yesterday. I DID NOT find this exploit. My friends friend did, and the technique is only known by ppl from BoF (hoping to keep it that way).

From ownedcore

The new trick is really simple:

step1: Use BGTwinker addon to enter leveling bg.
addon link wow-bg-twinker - Join XP-On battlegrounds with XP turned off - Google Project Hosting
video guide
BGtwinker Guide - YouTube

step2: Once you are in bg with xp-off, then disconnect yourself within 5s. The DC part is key to this exploit, you can dc by unplugging your network cable or disable your internet connection in Windows Device Manager, but do NOT use any ingame mechanic to dc, such as alt+f4 or dc macro etc (btw I use Comodo firewall, it has a button to temporary disable your internet connection, really convenience)

step3: Relog your toon, the system will not kick you out from bg now, have fun
your own "pvp videos" show how awful this joke of a bracket is as you run around mid or gy camp with the flag hitting levelers for 2x their hp with 1 ability

The only vid where i farm is from a character who had bugged gear = level 65 gear... I did 2 Bg's on that character, b4 going 19 and deleting gear..

haters gotta hate

Also.. No bug was used when recording on that druid.. so shh shh
Cleaned up the thread a bit, if you're going to comment on the state of the 10-14 bracket, I suggest you keep it respectful.
Rofl... I used it once a week, if that.. And I never even GY farmed... Please, check your facts..

Also, I wasn't going to bring this up, but.. If you quit twinking, why are you on your 24 more then your main again?
Squeakyjack, you act as if you had not used the glitch either .. you used it on the same amount of guilds as he did. Not to mention told alot of your friends about it, so I'm going to say you're worse than he is.

Edit: Inb4 you get your buddies to come defend you.
Squeakyjack, you act as if you had not used the glitch either .. you used it on the same amount of guilds as he did. Not to mention told alot of your friends about it, so I'm going to say you're worse than he is.

Edit: Inb4 you get your buddies to come defend you.

"NULLS IS BETTER THEN YOU!" lolololololololololololol
Rofl... I used it once a week, if that.. And I never even GY farmed... Please, check your facts..

Also, I wasn't going to bring this up, but.. If you quit twinking, why are you on your 24 more then your main again?

Pretty sure I saw you use it 3 times a day. So your tracking me now? Okay cool man. Shows how you still care about what I do all the time.

@Vind I used it maybe 3 times a week if that when I had my 10 otherwise I never used it. Before my buddies come to defend me? I don't need that. It seems Noraan does though.
Pretty sure I saw you use it 3 times a day. So your tracking me now? Okay cool man. Shows how you still care about what I do all the time.

@Vind I used it maybe 3 times a week if that when I had my 10 otherwise I never used it. Before my buddies come to defend me? I don't need that. It seems Noraan does though.

Actually, I didn't say anything other then "INC fight in the 10-14s forum" And pretty sure if I used it 3 times a day, it would only be for a week, seeing how low my HKs and WSG wins are.. (Not to mention, I can't stop Nyzora from telling me about you and your "quiting")
sharing is caring, seeming you care to post back about it.

And he didn't need me to 'defend' him. He told me about you in the 20-24 thread so I decided to check the 10-14 bracket.
sharing is caring, seeming you care to post back about it.

And he didn't need me to 'defend' him. He told me about you in the 20-24 thread so I decided to check the 10-14 bracket.

So I can't post to help other people out? Okay I see thats cool. I wouldnt consider doing bgs to get looms on my 24,twinking really. I see that your 11 year oldself has to tell your little buddy Noraan everything I say or do. Thats cool man. Hope you guys have fun on your dates.

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