Do you think 5.0.4 ruined the 10-14 bracket?

It's probably a little early to make this determination. I'd wait until the first 10-14 game of this patch happens, and then decide.

So far it seems like a good thing for the bracket, as they've apparently fixed the xp-off in xp-on game exploit. Hopefully this will promote more xp-off games. :)
Like all expansions, theres good and bad.
But I really think MoP does great stuff to twinking and the 10-14 bracket.
Hunter less overpowered etc etc :)
Seems more balanced imo... Just from leveling a 10 through bgs they nerfed hunter and holy paladin damage so I think its more balanced :)
o really, i made my rogue b4 you got xp in bgs, to exploit right? ....

and nobody that i know of leveled out of the bracket because of the patch

way to back up your stupid ass accusations
I used to solo pve stuff with my prot pala kinda screwed him by taking away holy light @10.

So MoP ruined it for me at least

(we don't have BG on EU and i didn't exploit)
sorry bud, but im not the gm....

and daggatha was leveling to 16 and was gonna faction horde to que with me and other 16s...................
you may not be gm, im obv mistaken on point a)

point b) however....

either way have a great day and enjoy your dusty ass twinks
10 twink that farms levelers and 24 hunter twink that farms trials, scared of pvp where you dont get a huge advantage over your opponent? rofl
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10 twink that farms levelers and 24 hunter twink that farms trials, scared of pvp where you dont get a huge advantage over your opponent? rofl

You do realize every statement you make is bashing the entire 10-14 bracket and shows a severe amount of ignorance. Will be a good day when you are banned because you provide nothing and don't even have a 10 twink that can contribute in a positive way to the community. Nice job editing your post's before mod's can read them.

No one cares what you have to say troll.
cause you cant exploit anymore and farm levelers?

secondly there was no "bracket" to ruin, twink brackets are defined by twink vs twink xp-Off bgs... 19/29/39/49/70/80 and to a lesser extent 24, but 24s only exist because of 20s and if the 20s went away so would most of the 24s much like in this "bracket"

10-14 only existed in xp on games, honestly i hope ur bracket never sees a single xp off game because the community of your players is (mostly, obv not kekki.... hi! <3) scumbag exploiters and all the people who played 10-14 just to exploit and smash levelers arent going to be staying around and theyre gonna move onto other things (noticed from a post on wow forums on this subject the other day where it seems many members of beats on fourteens already leveled their 10/14 twinks outta the bracket, rofl what a dirtbag guild)

There have been xp off games that were scheduled and alot of the people in the games were started and played by Beats on Fourteen members and by Beats on 19 members. The sheer ignorance in your posts is mind boggling. I played with kekki in our last sheduled games and we were able to get 2 pops while the exploit was still available. Do everyone a favor and go away. You provide zero to this discussion outside of harping on an exploit that no longer exist and trolling which is clearly the only thing your good at.
You do realize every statement you make is bashing the entire 10-14 bracket and shows a severe amount of ignorance. Will be a good day when you are banned because you provide nothing and don't even have a 10 twink that can contribute in a positive way to the community. Nice job editing your post's before mod's can read them.

No one cares what you have to say troll.

for someone that doesnt care what i have to say u sure make it a point to respond to every post i make even when not directed towards you

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10 twink that farms levelers and 24 hunter twink that farms trials, scared of pvp where you dont get a huge advantage over your opponent? rofl

>Still don't know who you are.
>You implied that I farm on my 24 hunter with 9.5k Honorable kills..
Also, you might want to use that in the past tense. 24 hunters can't do crap anymore except CC. And the glitch is gone so your post was unrelated. At least I have pride in my twinks. :)

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