Do you need heirlooms to 19 twink?


I really badly want to 19 twink, but i absolutely f****ing despise the trash that you call 80 / 85 content. so i was wondering if i could 19 twink without having heirlooms.
Yes you definitely can still twink t 19 without heirlooms. But at 19 heirlooms are a great boost. Esp the weps.
Well, if you wsged enough, you could buy the pvp heirlooms on your 19. Also, Heirlooms are not as important on warrs, ferals, rogues, fcs, and hunters as they're on casters.
depending on your need BOA's/heirlooms. IMO, you need the ones bought with Justice points because they have the "hit" stats you need. rogues, hunters, and ferals trying to go non-BOA have to use inferior gear, and sacrifice alot of stats to acquire hit. the BOA's you can buy with honor points other than a staff, have no hit stats, and are subpar to ingame items, except the staff because blizz did a over buff on caster weapons, so they trounce all ingame items until about 70.

the new BOA cloaks aren't better than what comes in the dungeon rewards satchels.

the new any day incoming as guild hit level-20 BOA-guild Helms are a must. a leather BOA helm at 19 has these stats:

6 agi

10 stam

4 crit

4 hit

as i said in another thread, the helm scaled at 19 in the game, would be a twink helm at 29 with those stats. it appears the BOA helms will trounce all ingame helms until 70, except for those that may be socketible.

the guild BOAs are obtainable if you have a BC account, i have taken two 70's to honored with guilds that are leveling. takes about 35 days. each day i would do mix of 25 BC dailies with SSO, Skyguard, Netherwing, SW/Org dailiy fishing/cooking, Terrokar Forest tower quest. (note: shattrah fishing/cooking give no guild rep) i also at random did some of the quests that i never did as i leveled to 70 which were alot.
Depends what your definition of twink is...if it is having the absolute best gear effectively taking gear competely out of the equation and focusing on skill and strats alone, then yes you need BOA to twink. If it means being competative in the xp-off and staying in a bracket indefinately no you don't need BOA's to twink.
NaxxT3 said:
I really badly want to 19 twink, but i absolutely f****ing despise the trash that you call 80 / 85 content. so i was wondering if i could 19 twink without having heirlooms.

Yes, you can twink without heirlooms. You'll be at a disadvantage though.
It's all about having fun, right? Sometimes it's fun to put on a full Defias set with no heirlooms. Skill > Gear (not claiming I'm ultra skilled enough to pull off 100% success with full defias gear though).

Btw, Pizza, really digging your lifetime HK's (123456 @ time of post).

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