Do you actually get queue pops as a 91 with exp turned off in BGs?

the german twinking community is dead (or on english realms), not even 20-29 gets pops anymore on german realms so thats why you dont get a single bg arena its different, your region doesnt matter which means you can get a german, english, french, spanish, russian mate
I'm getting mixed messages.... Myperfection says there are no queues. A few other says there are. I would like to exclude MoP capped characters simply because I'm not sure how the game sees them with exp still on but cancelled by their lack of WOD. So anyone 91+ with exp off can confirm? Also please link your twink, I'd love to see some armories :) (Also, please remember this is focussing on EU English realms)
I'm getting mixed messages.... Myperfection says there are no queues. A few other says there are. I would like to exclude MoP capped characters simply because I'm not sure how the game sees them with exp still on but cancelled by their lack of WOD. So anyone 91+ with exp off can confirm? Also please link your twink, I'd love to see some armories :) (Also, please remember this is focussing on EU English realms)
it´s easy.. is your lvl 90-99 char on a german/french realm? then youll get no bg pops
if you play on an english/us realm youll get pops
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If you dont have mop, you will queue as you would have your xp turned off, i play 91myself, on english realm darksorrow and our queues are more than fine :) you can check my and many others armory from "99-99 armory list" thread on this forum. Have a great time and if you have anything else to ask, i will try my best to sort thing out for you :)
So this bracket pops considering making a mage

Trying to escape the jaja bracket

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