Dk or war?

No, it would change nothing to be honest.

Well, Wouldn't go far as to say that, 80 Warriors hit like trains flying off the rails, Fury at least for the week or so i played it, packing cooldowns Raging blow'll decimate anything, with a decent amount of mastery of course. Not to mention the amount of block you'd have as protection.
Well, Wouldn't go far as to say that, 80 Warriors hit like trains flying off the rails, Fury at least for the week or so i played it, packing cooldowns Raging blow'll decimate anything, with a decent amount of mastery of course. Not to mention the amount of block you'd have as protection.

True, but i would still say that warriors at 80 are behind most classes. Let's say that duo to the self healing possible at lvl 80 duo to talents being avaible from 70 to 80 the survability would no doubt be a lot higer.
True, but i would still say that warriors at 80 are behind most classes. Let's say that duo to the self healing possible at lvl 80 duo to talents being avaible from 70 to 80 the survability would no doubt be a lot higer.

Aye, only played a Warrior @ 80 for a few days, so cant say much on the topic of how that would relate, just jumped into a WSG, Grabbed berserker, Popped cooldowns, berserker rage, intercepted some warlock, womp, 121k raging blow, heroic fury, intercepted a hpaladin and womped him for 90k or so.

Cant recall the numbers, but had the crab trinket from throne of the tides up, 918 mastery or thereabouts.

Warrior is now level 81, and i deeply regret leveling it, had a couple Grandfathered items.
dk in every shape or form of opness

Priests, mages and rogues are what you could call 'Overpowered', Deathknights are with things like Damage-dealing shammies, balance druids, 70 Rets, etc. Somewhere in the scale of 4-6, with mages being 10, and warriors being 1. Will probably get flak for that, but anywho; Deathknights are in the middle, along with some of the above classes/specs, not 'OP' but they're not warriors either.
go hunter
I have restored some posts because they contained relevant information, but not all of them. It is fine to provide an alternative opinion, but doing so in a confrontational and ultimately insulting way from the beginning is not acceptable. Reign it in in the future.

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