DK DPS 2t10 choice

I'd still be a little wary, given how haste affects shadowmoune and its proc (depending if you're using the /cancelaura or not)

Aye, the SM proc and 2t10 will most likely alter those breakpoints slightly, but it would be impossible to accurately estimate them with in-game testing. I'm wondering if it's possible to re-add them both to Simcraft somehow? I mean, they must have been coded for it during WotLK.
Aye, the SM proc and 2t10 will most likely alter those breakpoints slightly, but it would be impossible to accurately estimate them with in-game testing. I'm wondering if it's possible to re-add them both to Simcraft somehow? I mean, they must have been coded for it during WotLK.

There will be code for it somewhere, the problem is that it's likely to be code based on hit mechanics that have changed. Try going onto the simcraft IRC and asking the people there.

Also, given that unholy mastery is a buff to shadow damage, it's quite possible that SM will buff it slightly.
I'd still be a little wary, given how haste affects shadowmoune and its proc (depending if you're using the /cancelaura or not)

except that cancleaura also has to do with latency so it might not be an improvement for that and the reasons ive already gone over
except that cancleaura also has to do with latency so it might not be an improvement for that and the reasons ive already gone over

It's different for unholy. The proc damage is increased by the mastery of that spec, and thus more procs will certainly change the weights :p
It's different for unholy. The proc damage is increased by the mastery of that spec, and thus more procs will certainly change the weights :p

on paper yes, but if it takes too long to cancel (difference being ms some cases) you might be better off with the higher average str from building normally + using the whole bane proc compared to the lower avg str from canceling the buff + explosions
hopefully you guys can fiddle with simcraft n let us know

kinda OT but i really like the dk 277 tier, gonna get the look a like set for my holy set hopefully. but in that same vein, i was wondering if anyone knew if there was a lookalike (or close recolor) to warrior 277. i know theres a recolor for 264, which basically was a lookalike, and a lookalike for 251...but i couldnt seem to find any 277
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Using Simcraft to test the 2t10 options for Unholy, I got the following results:

Total DPS
Chest + Head15,5321925 + 206115,930.6
Chest + Hands15,4721878 + 207715,867.5
Head + Shoulder15,4521955 + 200115,847.6
Chest + Shoulder15,4511914 + 202715,845.1
Hands + Shoulder15,3681901 + 201315,759.4
Head + Legs15,3271894 + 2027 15,719.1
Chest + Legs15,3171857 + 205415,708.1
Hands + Head15,3031890 + 202215,694.2
Hands + Legs15,2821851 + 204715,671.8
Legs + Shoulder15,2361880 + 199115,623.1
just curious how many iterations you did, seems like their all within the ballpark for the same dps given player error, rng, movement, etc
just curious how many iterations you did, seems like their all within the ballpark for the same dps given player error, rng, movement, etc
The options I normally use are:
- Iterations: 10000
- World Lag: Low
- Length (sec): 300
- Vary Length: 20%
- Fight Style: LightMovement
- Player Skill: Good
- Only self buffs

I chose 10k iterations because the jump from the 1k option below it made me feel it would be a decently accurate number without too much simulation time.
The fight length (and length variance) were based on average 80-only boss fights, which from my experience last around 4-6mins.
The "LightMovement" fight style was just a personal preference. The dps on Patchwerk-style fights will be higher, but they're pretty rare so I thought moving for 4% of the time would be fair.
I set player skill to "Good" for a little more realism. Elite offers the absolute max dps you could possibly get with your character, but only if it was being played by a computer.
Self buffs is just because I don't want to rely on other buffs that may not be present. I should really sim both self-buffed and fully raid buffed though, as some buffs might alter the stat scaling significantly.
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