US <District Nineteen> WHO?!?! *trash talking thread*

ive done arenas with both guilds members and bgs and tbh neither has too good of quality players, just some new guys that locked xp at 19, and since there are no older players they are all puffed up about being good lol
Look at all these retired 19s talking smack, trying not to get forgotten :p

Step up idiot. You've been given plenty of opportunities to play and prove you and your team are relevant but you won't because you know youll get your shit pushed in by any random group of "retired" 19s.

premade or shut the fuck up honestly
why are u crying about 19's being hostile to 10's, and then posting shit like this?

It's all for the drama boyz. d19 is honestly the friendliest guild since underground.

Step up idiot. You've been given plenty of opportunities to play and prove you and your team are relevant but you won't because you know youll get your shit pushed in by any random group of "retired" 19s.

premade or shut the duck up honestly

Chill. At least when you get bored of doing whatever other activity you're doing in WoW atm, there will be a community for you to come back to.

We will premade once we have our 10 man ironed out. There's a large pool of players to look at in this guild but quantity doesn't always equal quality so you can't expect someone to just grab the 1st 9 people they see and queue up a competitive warsong.
Cuz I'm joking around but you guys are dead serious about your insults.

@Rusks you won't ever know if you stay in ghost form.

Don't let beating halfwit xpon morons inflate your ego too much.

I could pick about 15-20 people and you could draw their names out of a hat to fill a team that would gy farm you.

Honestly your unwillingness to step to the people you're trying to talk big to is so laughable
Damn you nerds are still talking to each other? How about you hop in a wsg and let us spank that ass instead of run in each other's mouths on a forum. Hahahah Or are you guys too washed up and just another has-been? luls
We been killing everything in wsg destroying 5 man premades from BH, Korgath, even Stormrage.. Fuck with us! <KANYE EGO> gonna take over the game we already on top and ain't nobody taking us down HeyGuys
Damn you nerds are still talking to each other? How about you hop in a wsg and let us spank that ass instead of run in each other's mouths on a forum. Hahahah Or are you guys too washed up and just another has-been? luls
We been killing everything in wsg destroying 5 man premades from BH, Korgath, even Stormrage.. duck with us! <KANYE EGO> gonna take over the game we already on top and ain't nobody taking us down HeyGuys
Your trolling is getting pretty sad

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