why the fuck does a mod like this kinda post? @Dorigonlisten rusks if you don't shut those mattress you call lips im about to flame im for real i will slap the grease right out yo ugly self so don't disrespect with out expecting to get some hate you ugly uni-brow having booooi @Rusks
you don't have to read through the 7 pages tho...Sick of seeing these challenge/drama/wargame threads that rack up 7+ pages and nothing ever happens. Like people dont need to respond to trolls that come here from out of no where, that talk a big talk and claim they run shit, but havent proven themselves and dont back it up. I swear there is someone like this every few months.
Oh I haven't, I just noticed this thread a couple days ago and now its up to 11 pages, only read from about 7 or 8 on wards.you don't have to read through the 7 pages tho...
In all honesty, this thread has been pathetic. For those of you who love opening your mouths to start drama need to find a new hobby and hop off this thread. As for "Kanyes Ego", you guys are just a bunch of narrow headed D-bags. Congratulations, you screenshot 2 games that you won. We constantly run fun guild premades throughout the day while talking nonsense in voice communications. When it comes to random BG's, we do not always expect or try to go for the "W". Especially during the time of an unbalanced prepatch. District Nineteen welcomes all individuals who want to participate in the 19 community. You should be thankful that we created an Alliance 19 twink guild that is 10x more active than any other guild in game. Conq, for you to call this guild a shame to the community, when we started during the time the community practically destroyed itself, makes you look foolish. We have many veteran players within the 19 community transfer to this guild and help contribute to the growth of District Nineteen. With that said, I'm going back to enjoy the 19 bracket for the way it is. I have more important things I need to get taken care of for District Nineteen. For those of you who are attending this weekends District Nineteen 3v3 tournament, good luck!
I actually wanted to premade you, and for real make u sit down, since you seem to be an A+ delusional douche, but then your true colours showed with those fucking screenshots of your binds, your comments on how to play mage etc, and I realized you're just a kid who was dropped on his head, probably several times, as a baby. I honestly cant be bothered with u, but I hope someone cba to rip that giant head of yours out of your ass at some point.All you guys pages back making claims of tryna "shuts us up" by wanting to premade.. YET NOBODY HAS GIVEN ME BTAGS OR HIT ME UP IN A PM LMAOOOOO (besides @Rusks )
Where you at though @Snack @Stabilt @Idiot @bolt @partygirl
You guys are a ducking joke. Most of you talking shit are washed up 19's from Cata days thinking you're still in the glory days hahahah
It's all about skill now baby, not some precious gear stats. I guess you "veterans" are all just talk and no walk. I expected more from some of you but I guess it makes sense.. That Loser mindset lul.
Got a PSA for you loser kids who will never see the day..
Whoevers on top we will quickly dethrone you, don't know when we move in?
Then come get your notice![]()
<KANYE EGO> taking over the bracket one day at a time. Come duck with the best if you want a real challenge, these scrubs here have proved they're all talk.
All you guys pages back making claims of tryna "shuts us up" by wanting to premade.. YET NOBODY HAS GIVEN ME BTAGS OR HIT ME UP IN A PM LMAOOOOO (besides @Rusks )
Where you at though @Snack @Stabilt @Idiot @bolt @partygirl
You guys are a ducking joke. Most of you talking shit are washed up 19's from Cata days thinking you're still in the glory days hahahah
It's all about skill now baby, not some precious gear stats. I guess you "veterans" are all just talk and no walk. I expected more from some of you but I guess it makes sense.. That Loser mindset lul.
Got a PSA for you loser kids who will never see the day..
Whoevers on top we will quickly dethrone you, don't know when we move in?
Then come get your notice![]()
<KANYE EGO> taking over the bracket one day at a time. Come duck with the best if you want a real challenge, these scrubs here have proved they're all talk.
dude i dont need a premade to beat yo ugly irrelevant ass XDPremade me pussy
get 9 random players then and leggodude i dont need a premade to beat yo ugly irrelevant ass XD
dude i dont need a premade to beat yo ugly irrelevant ass XD
you know what i might i will keep you updatedpremade challenge = shit talking.. okay
also ur dogshit premade me
nice dodgeyou know what i might i will keep you updated![]()
nice dodge
not dodging just consideringnice dodge
instead of doing you crap talk premades we are gonna try to grow our guild with our 3v3 tourney.
instead of doing you crap talk premades we are gonna try to grow our guild with our 3v3 tourney.