Quinp said:ss or it didnt happen.
Greenye said:Well i dont have a SS but if you look at this armory The World of Warcraft Armory - Ve kinda proves it. Just look at his recent activity.
Xposure said:Is it possible that he picked up the quest before 4.0.3, then delivered the quest with updated rewards? I mean, I was going to do this... I tried to find the quest before 4.0.1 actually, but I couldn't.
Twinkypriest said:Only problem with that idea is that the quest was put into the game as of 4.0.3a so donno if its a new mecanic to change quest to different quests.
Meh if only i knew bout this before could have picked up some other 19 req quest and hope it would be changed to lvl 30 req ^^
Duckhunt said:I believe this was an old quest and if you had it in your quest logs before 4.03, it got automatically upgraded to the new quest. I could be wrong, but something similar happened to my 10 twink who has a quest in her log you can't pick up at 10 anymore.
Vincent said:Haha I think I know what he did since I've done something similar before, Ill try it and get back with the results
Turtlezyo said:I had the quest completed in my questlog before the patch and it was removed
im guessing he some how made a gm give him the quest back or smt after patch
or perhaps completed before patch and made a gm give him new rewards after telling that he completed it before