
I took the advice of the thread PM'd the people who i believe know the method and no answers just wondering if anyone can help me out
Rage !
I asked a GM to Swap Kimbra boots for Bounty Hunter Bracer (Never been obtainable in-game) and they did it. Also they didn't even take my kimbra boots away, just gave me the bracer.
bankbeauty said:
I asked a GM to Swap Kimbra boots for Bounty Hunter Bracer (Never been obtainable in-game) and they did it. Also they didn't even take my kimbra boots away, just gave me the bracer.

Lucky bastard. I tried doing the same thing with the Keeshan's questline rewards. On wowhead it lists Keeshan's cord being a reward, but apparantly it was never implemented in the game. I knew it was a far stretch, but I ticketed, said something like I spent hours on the chain only to find the reward wasn't there, think it was bugged, can I get cord pls. No dice.
Lawlpurge said:
Lucky bastard. I tried doing the same thing with the Keeshan's questline rewards. On wowhead it lists Keeshan's cord being a reward, but apparantly it was never implemented in the game. I knew it was a far stretch, but I ticketed, said something like I spent hours on the chain only to find the reward wasn't there, think it was bugged, can I get cord pls. No dice.

Try, try again.
i'm ticketing GMs everyday to see if i can get free gear from quests i did, like getting gutterblade and glacial stone :D when i was horde i got the monstrous shield and when i went ally a gm gave me the sludge-caked throwing knives and let me keep my shield :D i want to see how far i can stretch the powers of a gm maybe i can get some items no one has every tried to get be4

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