US Different types of 3's?


just a few ideas about types of 3's. Choose one type for the set week of the tourney and teams must be up to the standards of one of the team types.

Type 1: melee/melee/healer

Type 2: melee/caster/healer

Type 3: caster/caster/healer

I.E. Week 2 we choose Type 3! Every team participating must contain of only 2 caster DPS and 1 healer. No team will be allowed to have a melee.

I.E. Week 3 we choose Type 1! Again every team must be created around the basis of the selected comp type and Type 1 consisting of double melee DPS and 1 healer.

Do this Everytime we have a tourney. This coukd in a way be good for creating balanced gamrplay and or playing field for everyone.

Thoughts on allowing 1 specific comp per tournament to help create variety?
I.E. For Type 1, 1 turbo team, 1 batman cleave, 1 thug cleave, 1 Cupid, etc. There cannot be more than 1 of any team type.
Type 2: WLS, WMP, WW mage heals, RMD,
Type 3: MLP, God comp, Shatter, LSD, etc.

Any thoughts? Just some ideas for future preference to try to keep things interesting.
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Games like this are gonna result in drool matches, no doubt. When you force specific slots to be filled the comps are going to become more and more similar if not exactly the same.
That's why I put a rule allowing only one comp per each tourney. I.E. You can only have one team playing Thunder and one team playing WLS. To get the comp you want you have to be the first person to sign up with a FULL team as that set comp.
I think people should be allowed to play any comp as long as it doesnt have a brewmaster/feral or two offheals on one team. Also I think comps should be limited to three people only and on the classes they signed up as. Otherwise people will just switch comps every game to counter the other team.
I think people should be allowed to play any comp as long as it doesnt have a brewmaster/feral or two offheals on one team. Also I think comps should be limited to three people only and on the classes they signed up as. Otherwise people will just switch comps every game to counter the other team.

I concurr
I'm just saying every comp is allowed to be used once, in my opinion it would create some nice diversity. But if you guys don't like that idea that is fine to scratch it.
Otherwise people will just switch comps every game to counter the other team.

Yes, but I said that we would be using the rules from the tournament we just had, so that would not be allowed. 4 players max to a team and 2 class limit for 2 of the people, so people would have to choose wisely and swiftly to get what they want. But if that is too much for getting a good comps then we could scratch the any comp allowed only by one team.
I agree with Waves. Let's just all play what we want to inside of the original rules. Allowing one of each comp will give a specific comp the upper hand. In a tournament with equally skilled players there's definitely going to be a comp that's more OP than others. The first come first serve on the available comps is also a little unfair, it's like whoever stalks TI the most gets to run what comp they want.
Why bm cant participate? Ferals are more broken
They are like arms war but you trade the execute for a bubble the size of your health pool a much more movement and have heals and defensives where as all you can do as war is sit Dstance and then do no damage.

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