So for 20s farming WoD dungeons and hoping for epic procs of any variant is our best hope for BiS next patch? Sorry just a returning twink and found out the time I put into gearing last week was a waste so I'm trying to prepare for DF. How do we enchant them? Which enchants will be BiS for these pieces of gear? If it doesn't proc Epic should I keep it if it's still from a WoD dungeon? Are there dungeons we should be getting runs through that arent in the dungeon finder that would have better options? So many questions!
My answer is that my personal favorite part of twinking is the collector/flex aspect of having true BiS gear or as close as possible. PvP is just the place to flex it. So I put in as much time as possible to then have the "perfect" toon. I'll bg when I want and as much as I want after. Even if the performance isn't that much better and I put in 40 more hours than others, I have the flex factor hahah