Desperate need for good alliance players

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The good competitive games in the US in the past week can be counted with your fingers. I urge everyone to faction at least one geared twink to help. I did, so can you.

Wheres everyone factioning to i wanna faction change just dont wanna be by myself on a server. And yes i know another hunter
I don't think the point was to server change, as much as it is to have a geared character playing on Alliance, that way there is a balance of good competitive players on each side. PS, out of curiosity, are queue times the same length for Horde and Alliance? When queues are popping for Ally, there typically between 7-15minutes on Friday/Saturday evenings. Same for the Horde?
im changing to alliance soon :D
notoriousthf said:
I need to get used to my priest I got before I can take on higher ranks.

I haven't used my paladin in over a year, too.

get boas and go holy.
i know i love horde players, but ally really need some dedicated twinks and a lot of my old friends are ally
holy priest. i saw you in a game today
19 warrior adeus said:
i know i love horde players, but ally really need some dedicated twinks and a lot of my old friends are ally

Peon says hes going to miss your double AGM xD
It goes back and forth, Ally players come out after school lets out. horde players are up late at night and mid day.
dont worry im come back to horde :D

im on all the time unless im hanging w/ friends of gf but atm im on vacation so most days im on from 12-late in the morning lol
Grabco said:
It goes back and forth, Ally players come out after school lets out. horde players are up late at night and mid day.


I have 5 good alliance twinks that I've played on and off for 5 years now. When I came back recently I decided to play my horde twink only just because <HoHos Laundry Service> will be taking over the world once mains calm down. Anyway, if anyone ever wants me to queue with them on ally side send me a PM here I'm definitely down!
Grabco said:
It goes back and forth, Ally players come out after school lets out. horde players are up late at night and mid day.

in case you didn't know. school is out for winter break
Im making a Human pally to help :)
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