Desperate need for good alliance players

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I've been queueing since 2PM Eastern,US and we have YET to win a single game because we have NO heals we have stingy druids/pallys who won't heal anyone other then themselves.
We need heals --- Our fcs can't be assisted at all

I'm bringing in a few good heals here and there but we are going to need some help from others.
Alliance needs more twinks, good ones at that.
because you are just embarrassing yourself
Queue xp off and you'll see the only time I am in mid field is when EFC is in mid or escorting.
Sargentfc said:
Queue xp off and you'll see the only time I am in mid field is when EFC is in mid or escorting.

Im EU, i sayd i believed you. Can't see why you would lie :p.
Johneffer said:
Ride Pizza moar please.

yeah man stack up on supplies going to be one hard core night of pvping OH YEAH, jesus.

Why so butthurt? You stand at the gy then QQ when someone drops the flag. Then you "claim" it was curely.
Sargentfc said:
Why so butthurt? You stand at the gy then QQ when someone drops the flag. Then you "claim" it was curely.

QQ and say it was Curley? You're terrible, you obviously don't know shit bout twinking and you seem lost in warsong gulch, step your game up. You're garbage.

Curley plays my account when he has parental controls on - I take a break bla bla - he only plays my rogue, now if you would like to accuse me of this go ahead, but your like every other twinker that thinks Waw Tawent is superior to everything

Good day.

oh P.S. You are a fucking clicker
Johneffer said:
QQ and say it was Curley? You're terrible, you obviously don't know shit bout twinking and you seem lost in warsong gulch, step your game up. You're garbage.

Curley plays my account when he has parental controls on - I take a break bla bla - he only plays my rogue, now if you would like to accuse me of this go ahead, but your like every other twinker that thinks Waw Tawent is superior to everything

Good day.

oh P.S. You are a fucking clicker

I know I am a clicker and I do just fine with it. I am not on the "WaW train" I just know when Pizza is FCing or chasing down our EFC we might as well be pissing in the wind. Also I can get 4-5 people who were IN the BG when you said Curley was on your pally to vouch for you or him QQing.
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