Using the method of having a second account "slave" DH with me although of course a friend could work, I was able to be spat out of the starting experience at 14 and 18% towards 15, with 2 hours played (a few mins afk here and there).
-I didn't complete a SINGLE bonus objective, I was 85% complete towards the final one (vault of the wardens area) which would have been an extra 9k xp and made things uncomfortably close.
-All the "Kill X of this type of mob" quests can (and should) be completed in ghost form by the slave DH doing all the killing.
-Additionally, all the quests with "Loot X from Y named mob" should killed by the slave DH with the main DH in ghost form nearby, they can then ress when the mob is dead and loot the quest item.
-All 3 "Enter the Illidari:<name>" quests have to by clicked by the main DH, same for planting the banners by the cannons.
-All the quests to "Kill X and take his power" have to be killed by the main DH, make sure you tag it or else you'll get mob kill xp but without credit towards the quest.
-As far as I'm aware, there aren't any skippable quests, at least I wasn't able to progress without completing them. I only skipped Bonus Objectives.
-I didn't complete a SINGLE bonus objective, I was 85% complete towards the final one (vault of the wardens area) which would have been an extra 9k xp and made things uncomfortably close.
-All the "Kill X of this type of mob" quests can (and should) be completed in ghost form by the slave DH doing all the killing.
-Additionally, all the quests with "Loot X from Y named mob" should killed by the slave DH with the main DH in ghost form nearby, they can then ress when the mob is dead and loot the quest item.
-All 3 "Enter the Illidari:<name>" quests have to by clicked by the main DH, same for planting the banners by the cannons.
-All the quests to "Kill X and take his power" have to be killed by the main DH, make sure you tag it or else you'll get mob kill xp but without credit towards the quest.
-As far as I'm aware, there aren't any skippable quests, at least I wasn't able to progress without completing them. I only skipped Bonus Objectives.