Death Knights Origins

the surest sign a writing team has completely run out of ideas is when they start introducing time travel.

The whole thing about "The Nether" is a complete fail-safe as well anyways. They didn't even need time travel tbh. Too much mystery is revolved around The Nether, and just enough is known to go in crazy amounts of directions, as they already did once with the resurrection of Illidan. It literally gives them the opportunity to twist and turn any event.
Chops.. if your story ended at wotlk.. i have bad news.. Youre no longer smart young "person". Youre one of us, cranky old "person"... wotlk was 2008 and things moved on. Dont be the old man "back in my day"
I only keep up with the lore on most franchises nowadays to see how they will make them worse and to see what messages they have for their loyal consumers....

Sad but true
Chops.. if your story ended at wotlk.. i have bad news.. Youre no longer smart young "person". Youre one of us, cranky old "person"... wotlk was 2008 and things moved on. Dont be the old man "back in my day"
I mean i dont blame Chops. The story work as been ehh since actually TBC, but it was consistant. Now its a cluster fuck of side stories within stories and a pocket dimension of side stories. Just look at Alternate Draenor, Thralls alternate version is literally fighting along side the Horde. Pickle Jesus has a female blue-eyed counter part man. This really didnt do justice to old characters that held great valor and honor in the past. Some characters like Grommash, now hes an old fuck that died at the hands of a fanatical yerl spreading the word of jesus through genocide. Man the old Grom i know sacrificed himself to free his people from the Demon Blood of Mannoroth, remember those days? I cant read modern lore without cringeing on the fact that there's too many left plot holes that make 0 sense, even for a fantasy game. But, i do have to admit, sometimes returning an old character has its merit. Gul'dan in my opinion was the only one instance where a recycled character was used pretty well.
Youre one of us, cranky old "person"
Was there ever any indication that I was anything else?
wotlk was 2008 and things moved on. Dont be the old man "back in my day"
I was pointing out that the Warcraft story that started at Orcs And Humans stopped in Wrath. All the characters you were introduced to in the 1st, second and third war completed their story arcs, we defeated the Big Bad and the factions more or less retreated to equilibrium. It was the natural end of the tale. And it was, I think, quite a good story.
Story is better than game atm. Yeah yeah we got Allwanas and goons.. but story is awesome atm. Yeah, it started as all campain in dnd. 1v1 faction, then you make multi dollar comppany on top of your old campain. All i can say.. lore is better now than ever before.

As someone who never really gave 2 shits about lore in the first place, I still disagree, personally.
The lore is being lead like chops said by their direction with each expansion.

Here the brief with Shadowlands seemed to be

" We're opening up all continents for the leveling experience and then we want a max lvl only endzone - lore team ... Make it so "

I think it's a cool direction they are going now because I really liked the concept of Elune from when I first started a Nelf in tbc.

The gods with a little 'g' are abundant in wow but Elune seems like the only really huge manifest creator being they have with an identity.

I'm big into mythology and Elune takes from so many famous goddess stories through history. I'm interested to see what they are gonna do , but I'm prepared to be very disappointed.
i can agree on the Elune part. Out of all the entities, dieties we saw from War I till Shadowlands, everything has been covered thus far. The titans, Sargeras, Wild gods, Loas, Old Gods. But out of all them, Elune till now still remains a mystery. And i like that, doesnt have to be that every damned entity or god to be like "Hey, im here. Im the powerful entity you heard about for the past 15 years, im the creature that has been teased for awhile. Now im in danger. help me lol"
It's coming nurd - ((Shadowlands spoilers)) do not watch unless you don't care :D

Slight necro jeez, but

I was actually talking about Ilidan being retconned.
Sylvanas however is gonna end up the same way

If you want to know what is gonna happen with sylvanas, i highly recommend you play through starcraft 1 and 2, and look what they did with kerrigan
I never really liked Sylvanas since War3, so seeing her in what she is now double downs my hatred for her character writing. Especially with the new Anduin cinematic in Torghast. "Big Suprise, i burned teldrassil because im right and you all are wrong, i sided with an ancient troglodyte looking fecker that was locked up due to a big betrayeal"
Denathrius is a better Antagonist than the last 3 expansion blizzard has ever did (Too bad hes going to be be dealt with in the 1st ever raid in the expansion. Way to kill a good potential character), except maybe Garrosh. I like Garrosh
I really think Warcraft lore has peaked with Warcraft 2.

There are many diverse factions, tribes, kingdoms with different interests. Makes the world feel bigger and believable.

To some extend, Vanilla also had some very cool lore to its exclusive(?) factions, like the Defias Brotherhood (a bunch of masons that were wronged by the Stormwind nobles), the Scarlet Crusade and even the Syndicate (which were the old nobles of the Alterac Kingdom that reunited for evil after the fall of Lordareon).
Yeah i agree that back when you had multiple factions the story was more interesting.
In a perfect world, since azeroth is a titan, we would escape to a brand new planet when it gets born.
Have story about races of factions expanding into new uncharted territories and meeting local factions, letting them pursue their own agendas and have them clash w/ opposite guys or whatever.

But hey, just some wishful thinking since they cant keep one faction somewhat consistent.
VanCleef did nothing wrong!
I mean he didnt, the Stormwind nobles were bunch of pricks that lead to all this shit. Much worse when his daughter saw his demise infront of her eyes.
I mean he didnt, the Stormwind nobles were bunch of pricks that lead to all this shit. Much worse when his daughter saw his demise infront of her eyes.

Thats some fake news, alliance doing anything bad? Purely horde propaganda right here.

I thought its lore established already that alliance are the good guys and horde are the baddies

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