Deadman's Hand

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don't forget - if your runner is willing to work with you, there are herbalism points to be gained.

you can technically get all the way up to 225 on the liferoot and fadeleaf. not to mention they resell for about a gold apiece (on my server at least).
still havent got it on my twink, but got it on a 30 toon on the 1st try :(
Not sure if it helps the numbers, but Freefoot got it in four runs, and my GF's Shamman got it in three.

Doing the "clear the area, then killing the twink at the boss" seems to be the most effective way to farm it and get no unwanted xp.
Question, if the twink is grouped with a high level buddy, runs into the instance gets agro and dies (but doesn't release), and then the high level buddy goes and pulls the boss back to the twink's body, and kills the boss, can you ML to the twink? Just wondering for purposes of minimizing any XP gain. Thanks.
Maj said:
Question, if the twink is grouped with a high level buddy, runs into the instance gets agro and dies (but doesn't release), and then the high level buddy goes and pulls the boss back to the twink's body, and kills the boss, can you ML to the twink? Just wondering for purposes of minimizing any XP gain. Thanks.

just group loot it so that it pops up (need/ know what i mean). you can loot it while you're dead.
Just to rub it in, I got it on my first try on my drood, my 7th try on my rogue, and try 20something on my priest.

I also got emissary cuffs of the monkey on try 10
12 times for my rogue. Recently tho I have gotten a guildy into twinking so we started farming for his 29 priest and I brought my soon to be 29 priest as well. Dropped for him on the 4th run. We had one more run before getting locked out so we said "what the hell" and boom! my priest got it technically on his 1st run.
... 50+ runs on my paladin, no drop.

Buddy was probably up to 80 runs on his warrior, no drop (both 29's).

However, several of my guildies got them on <20 runs. Yaaaaah. I only made about 10-15 runs on Hand of Justice for my 59, no luck on that either. about 15 Ulda runs for various crap for my 39... only Ironaya bracers of healing. Probably 20-30 Ring of Law runs for my 49... nada. /sigh WoW hates me.
19th run for mage.

1st run for warrior (yeah... lol).

3rd run for lock.

14th run for priest.

I find getting your 80 or whatever to pull doan to the start of the instance is a far better way of farming it. Actually this method works for alot of stuff, farming out the mograine gloves for my warrior was insanely fun, pulling the whole of cath in one go, rinse and repeat (also leveled from 34-38 using this method).
couldnt tell you on my priest.... had a friend get it for me after i got him 2 sets of petrols one with nethercleft and one with nethercobra.... it did take 500+ runs for my hotshots though until i bought them on another server and transferrred them back though
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