Deadman's Hand

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better to farm the charged gears then the deadman's hand if you ask me !

and they aren't unique. so 2x charged gear of stam is huge ! or 2x gear of agility is also ! if i get my time on a 29 twink i'm sure to farm those gears, i'll try my luck at the deadman but i really don't like to put 25+ run into something that never drops.

i'm not a lucky guy, my friend is always get what he wants, but i'm not. for now just to get van cleef drop his leather chest for my twink it took me 15 runs, shows how much i suck ! took me 10 run to get smite hammer. of all my friend i'm the guy who has to do about 3 twinks to have one with the gear i need !
Ya, but the ring procs on almost every fight for me which is pretty sweet. But still I dread farming it. But getting an 80 to pull doan to the beginning is really simple and quick. Probably 5 min runs at most.
yeah but if it doesn'T drop for the first 5 runs, you're stuck waiting for a good hour till you can retry it. that sucks badly cause i can't get more runs after that hours, none of my friends have the patience for that !
i'd wish it worked that way, but of all my friends i'm probably the only one relaly into twinking, the others thinks its cool but haven't the patience to create twinks. thus i'm always alone and they are playing a lot mor ethen i do, so their account is never there for me !
at what level is this ring no longer useful enough to farm?
lol, i ve seen a level 70 mage who was intreastead in the ring because of the "ice block" 3 sec which is very usefull for them :p
i've only done 16 so far, no drop
Holy fucking shit it just dropped for me! w00t!

GG bitches

try killing my paladin now :p just a little longer and he'll have 300 herbalism, AGM, [item]Deadman's Hand[/item], 225 engineering, and all that other crazy 29 twink shit.

rockin' out with my cock out
i am wondering if this ring is the best for a war... cause there is a ring that drops from Thermplugger ... with a random ench - and there is one with 8 str and 7 agil or something that could be better than this, and i think is preatty rare ... cause it has a rare drop... and multipled by the types of enchants x 10 = very rare drop!!!
i got 3 times in a row to my hunter (not twink but i judt did see the topic) but i helped my twink m8 for it we did around 4-5 for the ring
Dinged my pally to 20, ran straight to SM, got it on my third try. xD

Which is funny because I'm never lucky... Like the fishing contest for example... got 2 rare fish, but they both weren't the hat or the boots...

I guess blizz wanted me to be a 29 twink instead. xD
Took me about 35 runs, but didn't feel too long with that 5 instances per hour.

My friend would drag him to the front and kill him, loot then we'd run out and reset.
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