Deadman's Hand

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How many runs did it take you?

i think i'm like on 40 something :(

i lost track.
I haven't started yet but I need to :(

It could take a while

BTW stare into the picture long and deep... goatse?
For me it takes about an average of 12 runs, but I am told that I am lucky as hell. Anywhere from 1 to 20 runs for the 14 I've farmed. Did I mention I hate SM now? Last time was simple as pie though. Hired a guildie to do runs with his 80 Blood DK. I stayed at the entrance while he ran to the end, pulled Doan all the way to the beginning and then killed him and we ran out to save our skins because there were about 40 people on him. Run back in and loot, reset, repeat, was simple, quick and worked everytime. Although you might want to have plate on.

My old guild leader has done 200 runs and said it only dropped once so luck is involved here.

It may sound stupid, but I always have the mindset that it is absolutely going to drop quickly and it always does. My guild thinks I am lucky lol.
according to wow armory, drop rate is 3-14%.
in my free time or when i'm bored and trying to get it, i hop on my buddy's druid and i will just stealth to the end and kill doan...done probably 50 times and had it drop 2 times. i've seen it drop 1 time when i was in a full 5-man group leveling my hunter, but i lost it =( so not too bad, 1 in 25 or so. keep on trying!
20 runs on 29 druid, 0 drops

3 runs on 29 warr, dropped

2 runs on a 39 druid, dropped

lucky as all hell :D
I got it on my 3rd try on my druid.

On my paladin now, over 100 runs and nada.
Yikes! Took me 25 runs on one toon and that sucked. Was going to give up after the last one and bam!
I think I'd run SM twice before I found out about it, then on the 2nd run after it dropped.
Mazurati said:
according to wow armory, drop rate is 3-14%.

Blizz armory tends to be very unreliable. I'm currently on my 60th+ for my first twink farming for it. not as lucky as most of you - but then again i wasn't hard pressed. Once I hit 20 on my pally, I got on my friends 70 mage (pre wrath) and just aoe'd the entire place to level. One run after I dinged 26 I got it :p
when i got it on my mage, it took probably about 20 runs or so.

then i was going to run my friend's druid through for it, and i ran through and killed doan while i waited for him to show up, and it dropped on the first run >_<
i got it at 25th run - drop rate 4% is accurate on thothboth and wow armory (3-14%)

The same drop rate is for thermplugger left arm 3-14% , but it's actually 14% i think.

I gues wow armory class items according to drop rate like this. If an item has a drom rate of 10% - it's classified in the 3%-14%.

If an item has a 3% drop rate it is still classified in 3-14

if an item has adrop rate of 15% it is clas at 15-30 or what it is...?!

Veeery hard to get this item because on that server i had only a 29 level... and not to much goooold.
On my priest, got it on my 7th run.

My warrior, I'd say about 20 runs before I gave up on it.

My friend's mage got it on his first run.

It's just one of those things. If you want it bad enough, you'll farm until you get it =)
i'm working on a new 29 so i'll be adding a report to this thread soon

hopefully a good one :rolleyes:
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