Daytime Savings Screw-up


Some of you may have noticed this already, but on EU servers Blizzard has screwed up with Daylight Savings clock-reset: the Realm Time clock is correct (ie reset an hour in the weekend) but quite a few timed events are not.

For example, the STV Fishing Contest/Tasy Fish Pool spawns ended at 15.00 Realm (iso 1600), and the Hallow's End buckets and vendors disappeared not 23.59 as advertsied but 22.59 Realm.

Blizzard was notified about possible issues early Sunday (s.o. even won the STV contest by basically starting an hour earlier) but Hallow's End was still screwed up ( ) and the problems will stay till server reset (5.00 AM wednesday I udnerstand).

TLDR: the Guru Chest spawn times may be affected, too. 'nuff said.
As expected, the Chest spawn was screwed up as well.

However, they fixed issues with the daily reset instead, from what I understand because they were flooded with tickets about Hallow's End as it were.

The GM discussion posted in the quoted thread is a bit disturbing: Blizz as a whole was aware of the issue from Sunday, but they decied to give no notification to the players whaysoever, be it an announcement at the Fora, the log-inscreen, the calendar and/or in-game notice.

Normal businesses warn people of known product flaws ASAP.
Erhm dunno if you know but time got changed to winter time.. probs causing it? I bet they went wrong on that since most countries the clock went -1 hr. It's not the first time this happens and blizzard seems not to have learned from the past ^^
AFAIK 'Daytime-' and 'Daylight savings time' are the terms used to describe the change of 'zomertijd' ('summer time') to 'wintertijd' ('winter time') in English (I'm Dutch).

In other words, I know what went wrong (Realm time was adjusted to the time change, other things not), I'm just surprised that a) it went wrong, and - more importantly -
they were aware of things being wrong already on Sunday but not given a warning to people even by Monday.

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